People Portraits!

Keenan Zucker
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017

An important part of the design process is talking to users! We’ve had nine interviews with a large variety of people in the hydrology space: professors, graduate students, data managers, software developers, tribal scientists, and more. They spanned the spectrum of non HydroShare users, to daily users of HydroShare. We believe this diversity is important for getting a spectrum of ideas, painpoints, use cases, and workflows about the HydroShare ecosystem. It’s also valuable to understand the space and context in which our users are working.

During each interview, we have one person taking extensive notes. After the interview, we aggregate and consolidate the information into these documents. To preserve anonymity, we gave each user a name to reference them, in our case, each a water-based natural disaster. These were mostly used for internal use and informing the development of our Personas.

Our 9 people portraits

Thanks for reading!



Keenan Zucker

Software Engineer @Kojo. Formerly @Lever. Olin College of Engineering '18.