User Focused Interviews

Mackenzie Frackleton
Published in
1 min readOct 18, 2017

We’ve started with user interviews, and we’re focusing on getting to know WHO they are. That sounds redundant, or at least a little simplistic, but it’s true. We’ve been talking to some graduate students from the University of Washington, getting to know why they got started with the hydrologic sciences, what their studies have been leading up to their current degree, and what tools they’ve used (and enjoyed using) throughout their careers. With every topic, we try to ask 5 questions:

  1. Why?
  2. Why?
  3. Why?
  4. Why?
  5. Why?

Again, it sounds more than a little redundant and simplistic, but it works. The “5 whys” get to the root of what people actually care about. It’s not just about the wording or font on the landing page of HydroShare. It’s about what people value and how that shows us what they actually need.

We’re continuing to look for more users, ranging from people who consider themselves experts in HydroShare use to people who are just curious about new tools that could help. There are a couple of interviews lined up in the future, so we’re on our way to even more investigation!

Go Water?

The team, gearing up for some great interviews



Mackenzie Frackleton

I drink coffee, read articles, and finished an engineering degree all at the same time.