Glory in Heaven, and on Earth, Peace to Men of Good Will

Cuba Moving Ahead
4 min readMar 21, 2016


Thus is manifested in the daily liturgy of any church. It is thanks to God, the Grand Architect of the Universe and, then asks, yearns for peace to men requested in the earth. Perhaps many of us, believers and nonbelievers, agnostics, materialists, men after all, we wonder if we were able to find or fight for that peace on earth among men of good will if we have done our bit to achieve long-awaited end.

Men of good will, in our America, Latin America, there are thousands of examples like Miranda, Bolivar, Marti, Benito Juarez, Sandino, Hugo Chavez Frías, Lula da Silva, Evo Morales and Fidel. It would be the endless list, men that not only call for peace, but have fought and are fighting bitterly for it, which have led or lead to their villages in search of it. But there are others, perhaps in more northern locations, or simply more committed to the north, for which the concept of peace is associate it with interest, greed and the series of evils involving, in fact, ignorance and hypocrisy.

In the fifth Summit of the Americas, held in Port of Spain, Trinidad Tobago, in April 2009, one of the main themes announced by Latin American leaders, men of good will, was the removal of the blockade against Cuba. One of the most beautiful gestures of a true politician was on opening night, when President Chavez greeted President Obama and said I want to be your friend! The next day, Chavez was closer again to give a present him, one of the jewels of Latin American literature: “Open Veins of Latin America” by Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano. Despite in this Summit, the President of Brazil, Lula Da Silva, declared his confidence in President Obama to ease the blockade against Cuba. It was not until the seventh Summit that, under pressure from all Latin American leaders and members of Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (Alba), Cuba was invited to participate in the Summit.

Despite everything that had been happening, the spokesman of the State Department at that time, Lord Jean Psaki warned that Cuba’s assistance to the Seventh Summit of the Americas would be a mockery of the spirit of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

While this happening on the public stage, behind the scenes, with the concurrence of the Presidents of Cuba and the United States as well as the involvement of figures like Pope Francisco, a change of nuances was prepared in relations between Cuba and the United States, something which makes it meaningless exclamations of the Lord. Jean Psaki. On December 17, 2014, the presidents of both nations announced their people and the world the decision to start talks in order to re-establish diplomatic relations, special moment in which publicly, President Obama proclaimed to the world the necessity of to cease the blockade. And he explained that the policy of the Economic, Financial, Political and Cultural Blockade had not produced the expected effect of political changes in Cuba, assuming that it was an expired policy, being necessary to carry out substantial changes.

Embassies have opened in both Havana and Washington; they have opened doors for further talks. President Obama has suspended some sanctions, sporting relations constrict, say that even in the field of science the name of Cuba from the list of sponsored terrorist countries, charge more than perverse against a country that has provided selfless help many countries.

The blockade, unjust, still, remains at 100%, resulting in negative effects for both societies. The Guantanamo territory occupied against the will of the government and the Cuban people, it has not been returned to Cuba. They follow up the Cuban Adjustment Law and the wet foot, dry foot, facilities for Cuban health professionals deserting mission, violating all that both nations have agreed in relation to safe migration; and try to focus that Cuban migration, is a political migration, not economic.

Can we talk about friendship as you press down my throat? Can we talk about friends, when one of the parts has a strong and sickening claim because changes favor the interests of that party are carried out? As would say my dear grandfather, lemons and with shotgun…

How to think that a person wants friendly relations, when documents that at one point become public knowledge, exclaims very precisely: “The aim is not to benefit the Cuban people, but to strengthen access to technologies to individuals in Cuba to support the policy of “regime change” by facilitating network services and tools only collaborators identified for such purposes”, we know that the attempt, besides a mistake, it was a failed action by the United States against the Cuban Revolution.

But, despite all attempts to debase the Cuban Revolution, either by outside elements or fewer Cubans than me by siding with those who want to take away what has been achieved, there is light and hope, and I’m sure there will be peace on earth to men of good will.

  1. Perhaps thinking in, promotes the offensive interview caused by the blogger Yoani Sanchez, linkeando the State Department website, the blog Generation Y administrated by this character.
  2. Document sent to the United States Congress, and known in the media as the letter of the millions.
  3. Paraphrasing the epitaph of Jose Antonio Saco

