Cubego — From Cubes to Characters and More

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6 min readNov 23, 2018

Cubegon building feature is live! Right now, you can start collecting limited cube materials from Cubego Store and craft your own characters in Build Page.

What is Cubego?

At its most basic, Cubego is one kind of construction games, Cubegoes can be assembled and connected in many ways to build characters. You can bring your favorite mythic characters into the game, or creating completely new characters from those cube blocks. Furthermore, you can enjoy the look of your awesome Cubegons you create, bring them to arenas to conquer challenges and even trade them with others players.

Inspired by how Lego has nurtured the users’ imagination, creativity and individuality, Cubego gives players the highest freedom to create things from cube blocks, and thanks to the advantages of Blockchain technology, Cubego aims to offer players more than that.

Cubegoes — Raw materials or the cube blocks

In Cubego, you can find a great variety of materials ranging from the most rare and glamorous gems such as diamond and gold to common ones like paper and plastic. Cubego materials can be combined and crafted into very complex characters.

Each Cubego material has a disparate set of colors, textures, elements and other properties. Materials’ properties determine their fitness for specific purposes, can be summarized under the following categories:

  • Physical properties: Each material has distinct texture and a range of colors divided into sub-materials. Each color variant can belong to one or two element types out of a total of five, including: Fire, Water, Air, Grass and Earth. For example, using hot, red-like color tend to give you a fire-type character.
  • Functional properties: Similar to natural materials having its own hardness, Cubego materials also differ in strength and influence the power of characters you build. Higher-tier materials accelerate the strength accumulation of the Cubegons and let them reach higher tiers more quickly.
  • Potential and scarcity properties: Cubegoes can be divided into five ‘Tiers’ derived from their scarcity and potential. Their power is determined by a descending order consisting of: Legendary, Epic, Rare, Common and Basic.

Cubegoes are tokens stored on the blockchain except for Basic Cubegoes, as such they are tradable between addresses.

***Basic Cubegoes (also known as Plastic and not tradable): can be seen as an unlimited material and also as an capacity for each player. During the presale, every player will be provided a capacity of 300 Basic Cubegoes when joining the game, and this capacity will not be reduced over the Presale period. The number of Basic Cubegoes you have indicates the capacity of how many Basic cubes you can use to build a character. For example, if you have 350 Basic Cubegoes capacity, every character you build can only carry maximum 350 Plastic Cubegoes.

This Basic Cubego capacity can be raised through community events, thus, do enter Cubego community as you will have opportunities to increase your Basic Cubegoes capacity.

Beyond the Cubes — Cubegon

Leveraging blockchain technology, Cubego joins the frontiers of blockchain gaming to democratize the gaming industry as it gives players the highest level of ownership. You not only have a full control over your assets but also have a freedom to create and decide everything from looks to abilities of your own characters. Moreover, each and every character created by players is 100% unique. At the same time, the copyright of game character creation is protected, giving the creators the monopoly rights to build more copies. This creates a seamless environment for you to create, enjoy, share and trade.

Cubegon — the Basics

Cubegons are ERC-721 tokens and are stored in your ETH wallet. They are fully owned by you and can be freely traded between addresses.

As each Cubego material carries a distinct set of attributes. Material selection and quantity are key to Cubegon’s look, type, strength and abilities. To ensure the game balance, a maximum 4 kind of materials are allowed in one character. It could be great if your own characters have a mix of great aesthetic elements and powerful materials as it can multiply the value of your creations.

Cubegon Tiers

Cubegon is divided into 4 tiers, sorted in a descending order of strength: God, Champion, Elite, Challenger to determine the amount potential as well as value of creations. Higher-tier characters generally have more advantages in combat as they can unlock more skills in battle and have potential to gain special power. For example, God-tier Cubegons can unlock all battle moves while lower-tier ones cannot.

To reach a desired tier, the character must meet certain conditions. God and Elite Cubegons require at least Legendary and Epic Cubegoes respectively. Also, Cubegon tier is determined by total strength of Cubegoes used to create it. Using higher-tier Cubegoes will help your characters reach higher tier faster.

A Cubegon’s properties include: Type, Stats, Skills and Energy.

Cubegon Types and Materials

There are 5 types of Cubegon. Each type is strong against one type, but weak against another. As noted above, the type of your character is determined by the type orientation of the constituents — Cubegoes

Cubegon Stats and Materials

Cubegon stats consist of 4 components: Attack, Defense, Health and Speed. While the total stats (sum of these 4 stats) depends on materials you select such as Gold, Ice, Stone, Brick and so on, the distribution of these 4 stats depends on sub-material selection (i.e. color). Each sub-material tends to add more to 1 to 2 stats, following the table below:

Cubegon Skills

Cubegon’s skills are crucial in combat: each Cubegon type has a distinct set of combat moves. Cubegon can unlock further moves when they progress in game.

Cubegon Energy

When creating Cubegon, you decide its energy capacity, which is the maximum level of energy it can store. Cubegon requires energy to fight in arena.

Cubegon Copyright

When a new Cubegon model is created, the number one (#1) Cubegon of that model will be badged “Original”. An “Original” Cubegon owner will have exclusive rights to create material/color variants of that Cubegon model to develop a squad of Cubegons sharing a common model. Moreover, our logic ensure a minimum 15% difference in every 2 models, hence, no one can make characters that looks like yours.

Creating your own characters is fun and it’s even more exciting to contemplate it taking on its journey, firstly in combat as you can watch your Cubegons battle in a 3D environment.

How to build Cubegon

To build Cubegon, you need to setup an account in game, which is only a few steps away. Please read this article for more details

There are two ways to get blocks to build character:

  • High-tier Cubegoes are sold in store in different Cube Packs. Pre-Sale is now open, offering you a great opportunity to obtain these precious and limited cube blocks in store. These limited Cubegoes will never be available in the official store after the Pre-sale, hence, this is a not-to-miss opportunity.
  • Common-tier Cubegoes are supplied unlimitedly and can be bought at the stage of creating Cubegons. These Common Cubegoes will not be sold in store during the Pre-sale.

Cubegon building feature (Beta) is already live. Try it now!

There is much more to be said about Cubego, but at its core it is a creative, open-ended game. Hope you will be surprised at how much Cubego has to offer to you and discover your own creativity.

Cubego Team

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