Why you should join Cubego Presale

Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2018

TL;DR — Collecting Cubego blocks from the Presale to build powerful and unique characters is the start of your exciting journey in Cubego. Joining the Presale gives you an advantage in building characters and allows you to capture more rewards from battling and trading the characters you create.

What is Cubego Presale?

Do you still remember the time you played with building blocks to create models you love? Cubego is a perfect game for anyone who loves building things. In Cubego, you can create your own 3D personalized characters from cube blocks of different materials and colors. Nothing limits your creativity and prevents you from showing your individuality.

Cubego blocks, or Cubegoes, fall into several tiers which determine character strength. Each Cubego tier has a different level of scarcity. Some are supplied unlimitedly such as Common and Basic, while some are of limited quantity such as Epic and Rare.

Cubego Presale is the Exclusive event for you to collect Limited Cubegoes from Store. Epic and Rare Cubegoes are sold in Pack right now in the Presale, and will not be available after. You have a higher chance to create high-tier characters during the Presale.

Why joining Cubego Presale?

Presale is more than an exclusive event to grab high-tier Cubegoes. More importantly, you can take advantage of this event to create high value characters and gain competitive advantage over other players. There are 3 main reasons. Read more below

1. Each character is 100% unique, hence building early is an competitive edge

a. Your character is unique

Our algorithm prevents other players from copying your models, any of them. Building first give you more freedom to create any character you want, before others think the same. Once you own a character, no one else can copy it.

b. Copyright ownership, something even more valuable

Creating a model also grants you a copyright ownership, making you the only player who can create color variants of the model (variants look exactly the same in shape, but different in color). This copyright ownership is only given to the “Original” Cubegon, also known as the first Cubegon created, not its variants.

Imagine you create a beautiful model that many players like to have. You can create more variants to sell them in market. Copyright ownership is also transferable as it ties to Original Cubegons.

Now, you already see why owning “Original” Cubegons is very important. A Cubegon’s value is not equal to the total value of Cubegoes it is made of but most of time, higher, thanks to its aesthetics and the copyright ownership.

2. Build strong Cubegon characters to win battle and collect rewards

Cubego does not stop at building characters. What more fun is to bring your own characters to battle, conquer challenges and gain rewards. Here is what you expect to earn from battle:

  • Cubego Box: returns you random Cubegoes, sometimes, including Rare Cubegoes.
  • EMONT tokens: Complete battle, finish quests to “mine” EMONT tokens. EMONT is tradable on RadarRelay exchange.
  • Special items and Cubegons: Go treasure hunting to get items and craft your Cubegons to make them more powerful. You might get some special Cubegons along the way.
  • Battle moves for Cubegons: By winning battles, you gain points which can be spent to teach Cubegon moves. There will be many moves that higher-tier Cubegons can learn while lower-tier counterparts can not.

3. Trade your characters and gain value

Both cube blocks (Cubegoes) and characters (Cubegons) are tradable in game market. Trading feature will be released in December 2018.

Limited Cubegoes are essential in building high-tier Cubegons. As they will not be sold in store after the Presale, rising demand for them will drive up their value and as a result, increase the benefits of anyone who owns them. Those value can be realized via trading.

Cubegons are worth even more in market, as players are willing to pay more for characters they like. Inventory abundant in Cubegoes of all materials allows you to play with different character design and color, hence is key to create appealing Cubegons.

Now, you can start collecting Cubegoes and build your characters.

Enter Store here! A new amazing world is waiting for you to explore!

Cubego Team
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