An idea can change the world. But will ours?

Mithun Madhusudan
Cubeit | Unbox Yourself
6 min readAug 11, 2015
Welcome to the future. Welcome to Cubeit.

Once in a while you stumble upon something that has the potential to completely change your life. Gangnam style could have done this for you. (Or maybe that’s just us.)

We believe we’ve built something something awesome. As the end user, we’ll let you decide.

If you do manage to get to the end of this 911+ word post explaining our ideas (which is essentially our MVP or Minimum Viable Product), you have the option of doing one of two things — click the Green Recommend Heart, thus declaring your allegiance to the idea, for all Mediumfolk to see, or click the (much less colourful) Comment Button and tell us why you think our idea sucks, and what we can do better, if at all. (Unlike your ex, we’ll listen to what you say.)

So let’s jump right in.

The idea of Cubeit is best explained with a relatable example, which is what the next few paragraphs and images try to do.

Everybody has one of these guys as friends

Let’s say you’re planning a Friday night out with friends. Your friends, like most people, are lazy. So the burden invariably falls on you to initiate the discussion, figure out where to go and what to do, and then get everyone on board.

You pick up your phone and head over to your favorite restaurant review app to shortlist a few places and send the links on a chat group you created.

As expected the comments start flowing in.

“I hate this place.” “Let’s go here instead.” “I heard there is a great stand up comedy thing today” “You’ll never guess what happened yeseterday”.

Trust your friends to completely lose track of what was asked and drift off to more “pertinent” topics instead. Sigh.

You decide to soldier on. (It’s Friday Goddammit).

You switch apps and go to Explara to find the stand up show that was mentioned. (Damn you Sam). The link goes into the chat group, but while you’ve been away, the conversation has drifted further and further away. The link to the stand up which you painstakingly researched and dug out is barely noticed. (Hrmph.)

It looks like your valiant effort is in vain. Friday is doomed. You give up and decide to spend Friday indoors. Maybe your cat will know what to do?

Chilling like a cat.

You need a better way to get this done — collect all the options for your Friday night out, send them to your friends at the same time, get suggestions, and set the ball rolling without all this back and forth on chat.

Right about now you’re wondering — Ok, I agree, planning anything on chat makes you want to break a few heads (I’m looking at you Sam). But how can Cubeit help?

Patience, we’re coming to that.

Know everything, Yoda does.

The image below shows how you would replicate the planning process from a chat group in Cubeit.

(PS: Yes, we love our cartoons.)

Chat vs Cubeit — There’s only one winner.

Here’s some boring text to explain what Cubeit does. (Don’t worry we have more pictures coming.)

  1. Cubeit allows you to collect links and content from multiple sources, and save it in one place.
  2. Cubeit automatically organizes related content together.
  3. Cubeit tells you exactly what you need to know from any piece of content without needing to switch applications.
  4. Cubeit allows you to collaborate with a single swipe on your mobile phone.
  5. And every time you click a button, you get free beer! (Ok, that doesn’t happen.)

Interested? Then read on to find out how Cubeit works.

Think of a Cube as a container to put any digital content — links, documents, photos, music, tasks, contacts — anything at all. It’s a folder on your phone, just way, way cooler.

Everything goes in a Cube

Everything is in a Cube. Think of a Cube as a container to put any digital content — links, documents, videos, photos, music — anything at all. Just share content to Cubeit and it will be saved, organized, summarized, and made shareable. (No, its not magic, just some cool technology behind the scenes. Although according to Arthur C Clarke, the two are pretty close.)

What can a Cube do?

Shared Collections — We think the most important feature of a Cube is that you can share it with a single swipe and seamlessly collaborate on content. (But yea, what do we know.)

To speed up your Friday planning, save links in Cubeit. This means guest lists, map locations, reminders, contacts — virtually any content (You’re thinking how useful this would have been when you were planning that birthday party for your girlfriend? Exactly.)

Cubeit converts everything into cards which are easily consumable on your phone. Swipe right to share the Cube and ask your friends for suggestions. They can add links to the Cube as well. <Goodbye chat group, Hello Cubeit>

Ok, so Cubeit allows me to add links to a collection (Cube) shared between friends right from my phone. Is there more?

Of course.

All content is shown as cards

A restaurant review link converted into an actionable card in Cubeit

You know how links themselves tell you nothing until you click and open them in a browser? And also how consuming content on the phone is a problem because of the need to switch apps? Cubeit solves both problems. All content in Cubeit is now displayed as cards, which put important information front and center. So if you add a restaurant review, you see the rating, cost for two, along with two buttons for calling and navigation. Tap a card to open it right within Cubeit. No more switching between apps.

Auto Organization

Cubeit mines connected accounts and tells you what you might have forgotten

Related content from accounts you connected to Cubeit show up in the same Cube. If someone has ever emailed you a link about the 10 best microbreweries in Bangalore — voila, it’s in Cubeit. We kid you not. (Wait, do you guys think this is cooler than the shared collection? Damn. Where’s our marketing guy?)

Guided search means you type less and find more. Cubeit does all the work — behind the scenes!

Auto tagging and Guided search

Content is auto tagged by type (Link/Document/Video etc), source (which website it came from), and important keywords. Tags help you find stuff faster.Type in Friday and beer, and related tags mined from what you’ve saved in Cubeit show up. Less typing, more finding.

PS: Here’s some other cool stuff Cubeit can help you do — Help you plan a vacation, Help you learn a new skill.

Well that’s about it. If you’re one of the few people who’ve made it so far (data tells us that people don’t read), then, as promised, this is the moment of reckoning.

Recommend (if you love us) or Comment (and tell us why you don’t).

PS: Here’s a cute cat to force you into action (for good measure). Do it.

Obey the cat.

Update: Do check out the follow up posts.

