CNY 2024 Event Recap!

Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024

We recently wrapped up the Chinese New Year event for 2024. Let’s dive into the event statistics!

The CNY 2024 Quest Chain

  • 2,056 players started the quest chain
  • 2,051 players collected the unique CNY 2024 Digital Artwork
  • 148 players managed to finish the entire quest chain

Resources Collected

During the event, players gathered a ton of resources. Here are the total amounts collected:

  • Lumps of Coal: 71,680
  • Red Envelopes: 3,499,330
  • Golden Thread: 1,093,335
  • Dragon Scales: 351,835
  • Dancing Flames: 133,300
  • Paper Sheets: 3,401,935
  • Jade Stones: 1,079,235
  • Jade Dragon Scales: 331,895

Resource Harvesting Champions

Which player collected the most of each event resource?

  • Lumps of Coal: Zanshin (1,250)
  • Red Envelopes: rayl (17,445)
  • Golden Thread: Minel (5,090)
  • Dragon Scales: Minel (2,770)
  • Dancing Flames: Simonator (1,250)
  • Paper Sheets: rayl (15,915)
  • Jade Stones: B3ASTxM0DE (4,570)
  • Jade Dragon Scales: StinkyTofu604 (2,455)


The event also introduced four brand-new cubie blueprints. Here are the total amounts dropped:

  • Rabbit Cubie Blueprint: 1,653
  • Baby Dragon Cubie Blueprint: 1,644
  • Lantern Cubie Blueprint: 1,478
  • Jade Dragon Cubie Blueprint: 245

Cubies Printed

Players wasted no time in bringing their blueprints to life. Here’s the total number of each cubie printed during the event:

  • Baby Dragon Cubie: 1,342
  • Rabbit Cubie: 939
  • Lantern Cubie: 864
  • Jade Dragon Cubie: 161

Lantern Shacks

  • Total lantern shack interactions during the event: 35,360
  • Unique lantern shacks: 1,241
  • Players who interacted with at least one lantern shack: 1,197
  • Who interacted with the most unique lantern shacks, and how many? Bombkin, with a whopping 79 different lantern shacks!
  • Who had the most lantern shack interactions in total, and how many? StinkyTofu604, with 260 total interactions. My gosh!
  • Who owns the lantern shack that was interacted with the most? How many interactions did it receive? This was also StinkyTofu604, whose lantern shack received 148 interactions in total!

Fun fact: Bombkin actually took a flight to Vancouver to manage such a feat! Talk about dedication!

Additional Stats

First Prints of each Cubie

  • Rabbit Cubie — Conevebe, on Feb 10th 00:00:46 UTC
  • Baby Dragon Cubie — IDFK, on Feb 10th 00:01:30 UTC
  • Lantern Cubie — Zeph, on Feb 10th 03:24:02 UTC
  • Jade Dragon Cubie — TheBrizzle, on Feb 11th 00:03:05 UTC

Top 5 Quest Finishers in each Region

  • Canada: Ze0t, Madiba, Geeya, Minel, AlolanRaichu77
  • United Kingdom: iamian, Lolascolas, isthisallowed, Marduk, Jon20D
  • United States: TheBrizzle, hiphil, ConnMan2411, Channers, Criptocentaury

Closest Finish

Which player finished the quest chain with the least amount of time to spare? Rbhou812, who finished at 23:59:16 UTC (with about 44 seconds left)!

Vault Master

The ultimate vault master of this event was Rayl, who opened an insane 3,249 vaults!

Luckiest Hunter(s)

Who got the epic Jade Dragon Cubie Blueprint to drop in the least number of lantern shack interactions (luckiest hunter?) Both Sayrah and FightinIRich got the epic blueprint to drop on their first lantern shack! But, Sayrah got it about 48 hours earlier than FightinIRich, so we have a winner!

Unluckiest Hunter

In an unfortunate turn of events, StinkyTofu604 interacted with 260 lantern shacks but none of those interactions dropped the epic Jade Dragon Blueprint. Ouch! That’s some really, really tough luck.

That’s it!

I hope you enjoyed taking a deeper look at some of the statistics for CNY 2024. As you can see, players went extremely hard this year. We hope you all had a fun time, and we’ll see you at the next CNY event!

— Anakura

