Cubieverse Costume Contest!

Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2023

Attention! Deadline Extension!

The costume contest deadline has been extended to close on Nov 1 at midnight UTC! Get your costume entries in!

Halloween 2023 is on its spooky way!

A big content patch is planned for the end of October, which will include our Halloween event! As we eagerly await this update to the Cubieverse, let’s celebrate in our fleshy selves with a Halloween costume contest!

Contest Rules

  • Your costume must be Cubieverse-themed! Entries that are not related to the Cubieverse will be excluded.
  • Post a photo of yourself in your Cubieverse-themed costume to Instagram!
  • Use the hashtag #Cubieverse in your Instagram post.
  • Don’t forget to include your Cubieverse username in your post!
  • Join us on Discord and drop a link to your Instagram post in our #costume-contest channel.
  • You will only qualify for rewards if you link your Instagram post in the #costume-contest channel on our Discord.
  • The contest will run from Oct 15 00:00UTC to Nov 1 00:00 UTC. The Cubieverse development team will vote to decide the winners after the contest has closed.

Trick or Treat? Definitely treat!

What are the prizes, you ask? We’ve got quite the treat for you! Feast your eyes on this Cubie, who will join the construction team of the first place winner:

Introducing… Nail Gun Kelly!


Prizes are as follows:

  • 1st place: ONE Nail Gun Kelly Cubie! The first EPIC builder cubie!
  • 2nd-5th place: FIVE contest boxes each!
  • 6th-10th place: THREE contest boxes each!

All Hallows’ Eve approaches!

We hope you enjoy the costume contest! Again, please join us on Discord (click here to join) to link your Instagram post in the #costume-contest channel!

Have a scary Samhain!


