India Soft Launch!

Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2023

Cubieverse is expanding, and we’re excited to announce a soft launch in India later this month. This phase is designed to introduce Cubieverse’s gameplay to a new audience and to start integrating player feedback.

What the Soft Launch Includes

The soft launch in India provides players access to the core features that define the Cubieverse experience:

The Soft Launch Scope

The soft launch phase will concentrate on enhancing user experiences and gathering data to help us understand our player demographic in the region. During this phase, we will make adjustments based on the information received to better suit the user experience before moving towards a full launch.

Looking Forward

The insights obtained during the soft launch phase will help us prepare for a full launch of Cubieverse in India. During the full launch, we will introduce a complete range of features and content that is better suited to the Indian market.

We invite players in India to begin their Cubieverse journey later this month and contribute to the game’s evolution. In the meantime, join our Discord to learn everything you need to know to hit the ground running when the doors open! [JOIN DISCORD]

Happy Hunting India!


