The Big Game Prediction Contest!

Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2024

The biggest sporting event in the USA is almost here: it’s Big Game time baby! The Kansas City Chiefs will be duking it out with the San Francisco 49ers in Las Vegas this Sunday! Perfect opportunity to run another prediction contest in the Cubieverse….

How to participate

Very easy: predict what team will win the Big Game by equipping either a Red Cubie or a White Cubie!

White Cubie represents the San Francisco 49ers

Red Cubie represents the Kansas City Chiefs

Pick your Cubie!

Make sure to equip one of these Cubies 5 minutes before kickoff! Our snapshot time is 3:25 PM PST on Sunday Feb 11.

After that : enjoy the game and root for your team!

What can you win?

Every player that had the winning team’s Cubie equipped at the snapshot time will win 5 contest boxes! If your team loses, no worries — you will still get 1 contest box for participating.

Once again, the snapshot time is 3:25 PM PST on Sunday Feb 11. The kickoff time is five minutes after that!

But wait! There’s more!

Join our special Big Game watch party on discord for extra rewards!

During the game, we will host a watch party on a special channel on our Discord server [click here to join]! Join your fellow hunters and cheer on your favorite teams, call out bad plays and enjoy the game! During the game we will be giving out additional rewards in this special party channel.

See you there,

BTW: I’m rooting for the 49ers!

May the best team win!


