Mo Weekly #46

Australia: A once in a lifetime experience

Moyosore Quadri
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019


Australia. A continent. A country. A once in a lifetime experience.

There are numerous reasons why Cuble considers Australia to be a once in a lifetime experience;

  • If you go swimming in Australia, a snake might kill you
  • If you go swimming in Australia, a shark might kill you
  • If you go swimming in Australia, a seashell might kill you
  • If you go swimming in Australia, a jellyfish might kill you
  • In Australia ‘seafood’ has a different meaning

If you’re perusing this list and wondering whether swimming is the sole reason why Australia is a once in a lifetime experience, think again;

  • If you go sightseeing in Australia, a spider might kill you
  • If you go sightseeing in Australia, a toad might kill you
  • If you go sightseeing in Australia, a Kangaroo might stomp you to death
  • If you go sightseeing in Australia a Koala might distract you with its cuteness long enough for a snake to swallow you in whole

There’s also something for the less active and more laidback folks;

  • If you’re anywhere in your house in Australia, a bee might kill you
  • If you’re anywhere in your house in Australia, the heat might kill you
  • If you’re watching TV in your home, the 3D capabilities of your television is being largely overshot because that’s an actual snake on your TV


  • If you breathe in Australia, be 100% percent certain that what will kill you has heard you take your last breath

Does the likelihood of death count as a once in a lifetime experience?

The expression “once in a lifetime” means something that is unlikely to occur more than once. It literally defines itself.

With the exception of Mr. Christ and Soap opera characters, death is a once in a lifetime experience.



Moyosore Quadri

Fiction | Poetry | Satire | Tomfoolery | Creative Non-Fiction; Master of none.