Belly Buttons Probably Have No Use Confirms The Lord God Almighty

Adeoye Amurawaiye
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2018

Our Lord God in Heaven yesterday, was once again roaming the earth restlessly, when He was accosted by local press in the wilderness.

Rather than smiting the journalists with the sword, thus dooming them to damnation in the fiery flames of hell forevermore, The Alpha and Omega decided to entertain some questions before dashing quickly to an early afternoon brunch with The Son and The Holy Spirit.

Local press couldn’t care less about universal questions like why righteousness men die, who created God and the date of the rapture, instead preferring to grill The Almighty on the essence of belly buttons, an issue of much debate and speculation.

“Were you trying to be funny, sir?” One chimed.

“Is it something you regret, my Lord.” said another.

The ruler of the heavens and the earth was quick to point out that He was young, naive and hoping to make a good first impression. He further urged the planet to move on with their regular lives as if there wasn’t some bizarre pointy thing on their bellies.

The Master of the Universe, however added, that he would consider, giving belly buttons the ability to make a strange honking sort of noise when squeezed because “C’mon, how hilarious would that be.”

The journalists then bombarded Him with questions probing his mental well-being and whether he agreed if it was time to finally hand over the duties of creation to Jesus of Nazareth.

By nightfall, The Holy Ghost had sent seven plagues to befall their households.



Adeoye Amurawaiye
Editor for

I have not to my knowledge, sent out flying robots to assassinate anyone