Mo Weekly #35

If humans were Russian nesting dolls

Moyosore Quadri
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2019


Russian nesting dolls are a set of brightly painted wooden dolls of varied sizes that are placed inside each other in order of ascending sizes.

Matryoshka, as they are commonly called in icy mother Russia, have become a decorative piece with themes ranging from holiday caricatures to politicians and famous people.

That sums up the bulk of the research carried out on this topic. Here’s the fun part:

This piece was borne out of a random thought -“in a hypothetical world where humans are matryoshka dolls, what do you think it’ll be like?”

The following are Cuble’s submissions on what this world would look like courtesy of a survey that may or may not have been carried out:

  • Speaking generally, if humans were nesting dolls, we reckon that the largest dolls would be the power houses of the world and their loaded compatriots and the size of the dolls would diminish in order of wealth and influence until you’re left with the smallest dolls- hobos. The reason why the hobos are the smallest is quite simple- “They don’t got it like that”. When the time comes to stack up the dolls, they are rejected and forced to stay outside the stack.
  • If a heterosexual human family was to be represented as nesting dolls, the arrangement is quite simple larger pieces are those oldest in the family tree and the members stacked in descending order.
  • If a homosexual relationship was to be represented as matryoshka, the partners will be the larger pieces painted in bright rainbow colours. If there are kids in the relationship, they will be painted a completely different colour than those used on the partners because they were imported from exotic locations.
  • If religion was represented as matryoshka, there would be several large pieces welcoming smaller pieces of a like hue and shade to enter them while another sect of the the large pieces would only be interested in entering small boys, I mean small pieces.
  • If flat-earthers are to be taken seriously then we all are matryoshka slabs rather than dolls.
  • If organised sports was to be represented as matryoshka, the more slaps on the butt you give in the locker room, the larger your doll size.
  • If music was to be represented as matryoshka dolls, the alternative genre would be the largest all encompassing piece because it literally comprises of every relevant genre.


It appears from the random subject matter collated under the above survey there’s a tendency to attribute control and power to the larger pieces.

Has the patriarchy infiltrated a hypothetical world?

Am I being sexist for assuming that the larger pieces are male and bringing in patriarchy?

Is this a reach?



Moyosore Quadri

Fiction | Poetry | Satire | Tomfoolery | Creative Non-Fiction; Master of none.