Mo Weekly #55

Is God proud of us?

Moyosore Quadri
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2019


Do you think God brags about us at His weekly poker game to His friends?

This is the question I have pondered since Alessia Cara’s ‘7 days’ played on a wet Sunday afternoon.

She paints an image of God watching us, curled up on a couch in heaven “as we fail to figure it out”. She then points out to Him that despite our shortcomings we make for good viewing and pleads to Him not to change the channel (give up on us )-“Mr. Maker don’t turn away from your screen”; each chorus closes with the refrain “would you say? please say it was worth the 7 days”.

But was it worth the 7 days?

If you were God, would you brag about us to your friends?

Is the government God?

Was Thanos really the bad guy?

Is the general theme of this write-up one where I ask questions that I don’t answer?

We’ve had a government advice it’s citizens to take beetroot and garlic to battle HIV whilst thousands died, we’ve had Hitler, human lives are being leveraged, we’ve had Hitler, we’ve had countless avoidable conflicts and there was Adolph.

Logically, God shouldn’t be proud of us.

BUT this all seems fine because “we’re all human and we make mistakes”.

Mistakes are a feature of the human condition. “We win together, we fail together (be it from our own doing [mistakes] or not)” raved former Captain America- Steve Rodgers in Age of Ultron as opposed to spotting the problem before it happens and avoiding failure altogether. Well, they are called the Avengers.

If Cap says it, then it’s true, mistakes come with being human. So one could make a sound argument that it’s all within God’s master plan that we make mistakes, screw up and grow from them. And seeing as we are made in His image, we turned out exactly how He wanted us to, hence, He is extremely proud of us.

A quick look at the World Religions that peddle the existence of one Omnipotent Being would suggest that by design we are flawed and making mistakes is okay; it is His intention that we falter and get back on the horse, so to say. Islam calls it ‘Istighfar’, Judaism calls it ‘Teshuvah’, Christianity calls it ‘Repentance’. He has graciously made ‘Free will’ a feature of His planet because He’s that ex that will always take you back.

Religion doesn’t see failure, mistake, chaos, greed etc as a measure of mankind’s worth to God. He’s not a superficial lover, nothing is too much for Him.

How many mistakes would it take to get God to give up on us?

Religion would tell you:

  • “Nahh not happening!”
  • That His perceived inaction is simply ‘grace’; God used to be more involved and more hands on with mankind but He decided to change His methods, to become passive and give Humans a ‘grace period’, that He intervenes every once in a while but is always watching.
  • That He is ride or die.


The theory is that He has longed changed the channel. The rationale behind this theory is that one simply does not watch as his Sims City campaign goes to shit. You either start a new game throw the game out.

In plain English, we have seen things go from bad to worse almost comically, life could be categorised under dark comedy and sure that would make for good viewing but sceptics would argue that you simply do not watch on as your people continue to exist in inequality and strife.

But… ‘grace’ ?

Without explicitly calling ‘grace’ a farce, It is my submission that what religion views as a grace period is just God remembering to glance at His tv once in a while after a stressful Pilates class; that’s how He’s managed to stay so limber for all eternity.

Are Pilates good for you?

Yes! Absolutely, look it up.

Is God proud of us?

I don’t know.

I don’t think anyone truly knows the answer to this question, not even the Imams, Rabbis nor Pastors. They just believe that He should because He put us here.

As this is merely a theory, a part of me sides with them.

Will we ever know for sure the depths of the grace He has bestowed upon us? Or is it a farce? Is the reason for the chaos because we are merely a Sim City campaign that has been abandoned? Is He proud? Are we proud?

Is the general theme of this write-up one where I ask questions that I do not answer?




Moyosore Quadri

Fiction | Poetry | Satire | Tomfoolery | Creative Non-Fiction; Master of none.