Lessons from unlikely sources 1: RomComs

Moyosore Quadri
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2019


Cuble prides itself with making up theories and writing opinions about things that you honestly did not think you needed to know until you read them. It is in furtherance of this mission statement that the average minds behind this not so good publication have decided to launch a segment titled “Lessons from unlikely sources”.

Like most things in this world, this segment will try to start off with a bang and probably fizzle out disappointingly towards the end.

The first part focuses on Romantic comedies, generically referred to as RomComs.

RomComs are definitely a guilty pleasure of many if not all young adults; they are easy to understand, simple, witty, funny and most importantly they portray love.

To properly deliver on the promise of starting off with a bang, Cuble sent me on a mission not many men return from- a Romcom binge.

At first, I tried to fight it; my psyche wouldn’t budge or succumb to the colourful foolery that unfolded before my dumbfounded gaze. It was the classic tale of Bruce Banner versus the Hulk; there can only be one winner. I couldn’t shake the transformation, I was weak and I succumbed. By the end of the week I was following Lana Condor and Joey King on Instagram.

Alas! The mission was a success. During my time wondering in this wilderness of awful cliches and poorly drawn up dialogue, I began to understand what RomComs are for.They give an all round feel good factor that maybe, just maybe if you try hard enough, everything will fall into place.

The lesson :

The lesson is derived in a phrase from the movie ‘Set it up’:

Like because, love despite

It’s a simple phrase that honestly solves the bulk of young adult dating dilemma. It’s a message that resonates through every romantic comedy; the lead character after a terrible ordeal with her/his writer-ordained love interest stumbles around a bit doing nothing only to realise that despite it all, this love interest is the one.

The lesson is straightforward, think of the flaws, the ugliness in a person when considering if you truly love them. You like someone because of all their qualities and you love someone despite some of their qualities, it’s what makes it last.

Love, Cuble.



Moyosore Quadri

Fiction | Poetry | Satire | Tomfoolery | Creative Non-Fiction; Master of none.