Mo Weekly #57

…on the contrary, crime does pay.

Moyosore Quadri
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2019


The phrase “crime doesn’t pay” is a phrase that means the ultimate consequence of criminal activity is punishment. It wards off deviant behaviour by putting the consequence as the tag line.

Over the past week, Cuble has taken a closer look at the phrase and coined a theory that contrary to popular opinion, crime does pay.

It pays a whole lot.

Look at every crime movie ever made;

  • Let’s say Scarface never got greedy or high off his own supply, he would have ended up running an empire till the last act of the movie

Scarface is every crime movie ever made. Godfather? Oh please

The trend is – make money fast – lavish spending – get sloppy – untimely but fairly predictable death

Cut out the sloppy and there can be no untimely death, no fall of an empire, no criminal case, all that remains is ‘pay’. And lots of it.

Organised crime is a lucrative industry that could be an easy way of curbing the unemployment plaguing many of the world’s economies.

The moment we can all stop pretending to be self righteous and throw our moral compasses into the Bermuda Triangle we would realise, just as Cuble has that crime pays in more ways than one.



Moyosore Quadri

Fiction | Poetry | Satire | Tomfoolery | Creative Non-Fiction; Master of none.