Twitter Bird To Be Able To Morph Into Transformer and Fight Your Battles by 2022

Adeoye Amurawaiye
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2017

Twitter CEO, Jack, whose surname is best left to the imagination has revealed the next set of organizational goals for the company. Addressing a meager crowd of bored housewives waiting to pick up their kids, yesterday, the Fortune 500 CEO, affirmed that the Twitter logo will possess full physical and mental capacity to mutate from a harmless app icon on your device to a gargantuan fire blazing, rocket launching, blood seeking android of mass destruction.

“Welcome to the future of social media!” he chimed barely able to contain a snicker.

Addressing the potential ethical and social hazards such a radiantly senseless, yet “ingenious” plan might pose to the ecosystem at large, Jack concluded that he had given it a great deal of thought for the whole of two minutes and he is convinced that the pros of an insecure thirteen year old boy wielding the sheer force robotic menace largely outweigh the cons because “C’mon how cool would it be if everyone on the planet owned a robot”

According to Jack, he was convinced this was the next step for Twitter after he saw the new Transformers movie (which was released to lukewarm acclaim) back in June.

“There I was sitting in my sunroom later that night petting my goat, when suddenly; something lit a fire under my butt. I asked myself: Wouldn’t it be awesome if I could ditch this goat for a forty five foot robot?”

When someone from the crowd screamed out that he was a dangerous man, Jack was quick to point out the rewards of owning your own robot.

“The TwitterBot will be able to perform everyday tasks ranging from taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, announcing to your wife that you want a divorce to slaying your enemies. The future of AI couldn’t be any brighter.”

Jack has referred to this plan as the next logical line of action after the two hundred and eighty character increase and its new political advertisement transparency policy

“To be honest, I wish someone would stop me already” Jack confided to a group of kindergarteners at tea time.



Adeoye Amurawaiye
Editor for

I have not to my knowledge, sent out flying robots to assassinate anyone