Monetization: Crossing milestones ; Sending out excel sheets

Cucumbertown Magazine Archive
2 min readApr 8, 2016

Today was a pretty important and empowering day for us at Cucumbertown.

Before writing this, I sent out our first batch of excel sheets to the bloggers with their earnings. The first step in the long term goals Cucumbertown as a blogging platform has been set in stone, or in this case, in an excel sheet.

This is what Cucumbertown’s dream has been; always. Helping people create livelihoods out of their food blogs. The feeling is extremely surreal. From our top bloggers with over thousands of dollars in revenue to the guys who are starting off with as little as ten dollars, every dollar is affirmation of what we set out to achieve some months back.

And even more exciting is the fact that this is just the start. Our potential to generate more revenue is unparalleled. Sure, we’ll make our mistakes but Cucumbertown will always be the food blogging platform that can generate this livelihood much better than you doing it yourself.

Honestly, I was worried sick every time a blogger talked about quitting their job and taking up food blogging full time. But now, not so much. There are of course, miles to go, but this gives me the conviction the dream is achievable :)

Thank you Cucumbertown bloggers for your unwavering faith in us. I promise more excel sheets in the future :)

