How do I sign-up to Cucumbertown?

Bhargavi P
Cucumbertown Magazine Archive
3 min readSep 24, 2015

Hold on!

Why should I sign-up on Cucumbertown in the first place? What’s in it for me? What is Cucumbertown anyway? If you are asking yourself questions along these lines, then you should read this.

Now that we have that cleared out, let’s come to the how-to part of it:

Signing up on Cucumbertown and starting a food blog happens in the matter of a few clicks and in under 10 minutes. First, go to and click on shiny pink button that says ‘Start a Food Blog’.

In case you want to check out what all Cucumbertown offers then you can just scroll down and click on ‘Learn more’ or if you just want to check out who else is using Cucumbertown, we have some of our awesome food bloggers listed on our home page.

So, coming back to signing up to Cucumbertown, you have three ways of doing it.

  • You can either sign-up using your Google id or your Facebook account.
  • In case you want to sign-up using your email id, we have that option as well.
  • Once you fill in your details and hit that Sign up button, we quickly move on to creating your brand new food blog! *Exciting*

Click on Set Up your Food Blog.

Enter the name of your food blog, See if the domain is available on Cucumbertown and Click on Choose this URL.

Confirm and create the blog.

Yay! Your Food Blog is up and running and waiting for you to get creative!

Your brand new blog comes with a sample post included and takes you on a tiny tour of your blog on where what goes.

The custom domain:

In case you have a domain for your blog or recently bought one, please go to Settings > Blog > Domain Configuration and click on ‘Got your own domain?’ and enter your domain name and click update. You will have to add a CNAME shown below the text box, in your DNS provider (that’s the place where you have bought your domain name from). This will take up to 72 hours to reflect, as soon as it is done a mail will be sent to you.

So, you can get right on to writing down your recipes. Your food blog is waiting.

More on how to use the editor, create a new page and embedding a recipe coming soon.

