Anand A
Cucumbertown Magazine Archive
2 min readJul 2, 2015


There’s a town where all do cook

With pots n pans in yellow and pink

And sugar and spice in every nook

So tie them apron strings and join the fun!

A few months back, we started doing a major overhaul of Cucumbertown, and with that, a need to rebrand ourselves. In the following months, we reworked the product from ground up, made our UI snappier and came up with a brand new logo. These were our design guidelines:

Simplicity — Yes, it is an obvious and over-used keyword in any design discussion, but allow me to mention it again. We wanted a visual form that is easy to recall/doodle for anyone. We decided to use the two initial letterforms from our brand name (C,T) and make a visual play as a wordmark.

Connections — Along with that, we wanted to create familiarity with the visual form through emotional connections for our target audience. The wordmark could appear to them as a spoon, spatula, saucepan… It could abstract and resonate to any of these objects of their everyday use.

Identity — With our focus on individual blogs, our own logo should not stand in the way of the branding/identity of a network blog we host. Yet, it should hold on its own, prompting the curious mind to discover more about us(the platform).

Colors — Apart from wanting to stand out (who doesn't?) from a host of Food related apps and networks, we wanted our logo to be bright and vibrant even when applied on a 16 x 16 pixel favicon or a high resolution retina display.

Typeface — The typeface for the brand logotype is Neutraface, which compliments the geometric shapes on the wordmark, and flows almost like a natural extension of its basic forms.

…and we have our new identity!

Come on in!



Anand A
Cucumbertown Magazine Archive

Designer, Foodie, Traveller — though not in any specific order.