A Usability Heuristics Guide for You

Designing a Guidebook on 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design on Figma

Mayank Dhawan
Crux Intelligence
3 min readFeb 3, 2020


A little back story

For the past few weeks, we have been conducting a thorough product audit at Cuddle.ai. Such exercises help us to evaluate our product from a fresher perspective.

In the middle of continually designing and shipping new features for weeks, we missed out on a lot of things: UI inconsistency, simple user-flows and usability, to name a few.

And, we somehow managed to break most of the 10 Usability Heuristics. And we wanted to fix that.

So over one weekend, I took up the liberty to design a small guide on Usability Heuristics with visual examples. This exercise was dedicated to making Jakob Nielsen’s principles and literature accessible to the entire team.

So, here are the slides 🙌

01. Visibility of system status
02. Match between system and the real world
03. User control and freedom
04. Consistency and Standards
05. Error Prevention
06. Recognition rather than recall
07. Flexibility and efficiency of use
08. Aesthetic and minimalist design
09. Help users recognise, diagnose, and recover from errors
10. Help and documentation

What’s next

We plan to print these slides and put them up all over our workspace. And, maybe make a good-lookin’ booklet too (more on that to follow)

We think having these around will help us immensely on our post-audit design and engineering efforts. And someday, might be of help to you too.

So, feel free to download your copy here 🎉

The slides 👆

Quick Update

(March 09, 2019)

Last weekend, we got the booklets printed. And now, every team member at Cuddle.ai has a copy 😄

Picture credits - Amit Das

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Mayank Dhawan
Crux Intelligence

Principal Designer at Urban Company. Thoughts on design, life, and other silly things.