4 trends taking cloud computing to the next level

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3 min readDec 2, 2020

Here at CUDOS we’ve been working with cutting edge technologies in order to facilitate the evolution of several industries. A fusion of cloud and blockchain in conjunction with the latest hardware and software are all at the foundations of our project. We’re beginning to see more innovation with more devices being enabled to leverage infrastructure and crypto incentives, all with the aim of pushing for wider adoption.

We’re now coming towards the end of a tough year, and as we look to 2021 there is definitely a lot to be excited about when it comes to cloud computing and the emerging technologies that surround it. Here are 5 trends taking cloud computing to the next level.


Containerization is a form of operating system virtualization, through which applications are run in isolated user spaces called containers, all using the same shared operating system (OS). A container is essentially a fully packaged and portable computing environment. Containerization gained popularity with the opensource Docker engine and Kubernetes by allowing developers to build faster and more secure apps.

One of the main benefits of containerization is a container doesn’t require a full guest operating system or a hypervisor. This translates into a reduced overhead as well as faster boot times, smaller memory footprints and generally better performance.

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is a method of providing backend services on an as-used basis that is growing in popularity at a very fast rate. A serverless provider allows developers to write and deploy code without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. A business that is provided with backend services from a serverless vendor is charged based on their computational output and because of this, they do not have to worry about reserving and paying for a fixed amount of bandwidth or a specific number of servers, as the service is auto-scaling, which means it would automatically adjust to the users’ needs. Despite the name “serverless”, physical servers are still used but developers would no longer need to worry about them.

Machine learning

Machine learning is more than just a buzzword, it is in fact the fastest-growing sector in the serverless space. Machine learning is the application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Now before you start having sci-fi fantasies that may resemble classic films like The Terminator, Enter The Matrix and I-robot, let’s take a look at how machine learning is currently transforming our world. Machine learning companies are currently working to support research on climate change and healthcare. Some machine learning projects have even supported the battle against Covid-19.

Machine learning requires a lot of data and compute power to make the best and most accurate projections possible, cloud computing costs will become even more important to manage for businesses using machine learning. It seems cloud computing and machine learning are set to have a symbiotic relationship as we move towards a world driven by innovations supported by machine learning.

Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake (PoS) is a consensus mechanism used within cryptocurrency blockchain networks to achieve distributed consensus which is quickly growing in popularity. Proof of Stake was created to solve a few problems with the Proof of Work (PoW) model that was developed as a key mechanism within the Bitcoin network. Proof of Work requires all of the network participants (miners) to attempt to solve a complex sum, with the winner determined by the person who has the most compute power. Then the winner is then rewarded in that networks native cryptocurrency. Proof of Stake is not dependent on compute power of a miner, it instead requires miners to “Stake” their tokens on the network, the more you stake the more chance you have of randomly being selected as the winner.

Staking is a key part of our own project, many projects similar to our own have adopted staking as it tends to have positive impacts on the economics of a token. Many speculators seem to be under the belief that this leads to reducing the supply of tokens in circulation which would then have a positive impact on price.

To find out more about our staking mechanisms click on one of the links below and join our community!

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CUDOS is powering AI by uniting blockchain and cloud computing to realise the vision of a sustainable, equitable, and democratised Web3.