🌍 Build-up to the COP26: challenging the blockchain climate narrative ⛓️

Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2021

With only six days till the start of the UN Climate Change Conference, better known as the COP26, there remains a strong perception that businesses and industry leaders have failed to treat the climate crisis with the urgency it deserves. For an industry that is widely promoted as the gateway to the future, the blockchain sector has surprisingly been unable to assume a leading role in curbing CO2 emissions.


The failures of the Paris Agreement, coupled with the alarming frequency of extreme weather events, have strengthened the argument that COP26 represents the Earth’s best chance. Within this year alone, there have been floods in Europe, Nigeria, Uganda, and India, wildfires in Greece, Siberia, and the US. Achieving the desired GHG emissions target requires urgent action.

How is the blockchain industry facing up to the challenge?

As we have mentioned previously, while several projects within the industry set on achieving greener initiatives, the sector’s overall approach to the environment has been abysmal. Carbon emissions from bitcoin mining alone are expected to exceed the annualised emission output of the Czech Republic and Qatar by 2024. Ethereum’s carbon footprint is just as unsustainable.

The alternative

The evidence clearly suggests a distinct lack of motivation on the supply-side for climate-friendly solutions to technological challenges. The obvious answer is a demand-side push for change. Opting for environment-friendly projects as a preferred choice of investment makes more difference than corporate pledges.

That’s why our Cudo Compute ecosystem giving you access to decentralised and sustainable cloud computing resources, may be a choice you want to consider. It also includes Cudos, a blockchain that will connect developers and consumers to Cudo Compute for high-performance computing. As a result, we’re removing the reliance on environmentally damaging hyperscale providers and democratising the cloud market in the process.

Moreover, we don’t merely talk. We are committed to being carbon neutral and have embedded it in our DNA.

How can you help?

There are plenty of opportunities for you to make a difference. You can contribute to a cleaner, more competitive, and more sustainable cloud market.

We’re looking for data centres and cloud service providers with global locations. So we want you to contact us now!

Finally, if you already have your CUDOS tokens, why not make the most of them by staking them on our platform and securing our network?

Together, we can create a cloud computing market that is efficient and gentle on the environment and show our kindness to future generations.

About Cudos

The Cudos Network is a layer 1 blockchain and layer 2 computation and oracle network designed to ensure decentralised, permissionless access to high-performance computing at scale and enable scaling of computing resources to 100,000’s of nodes. Once bridged onto Ethereum, Algorand, Polkadot, and Cosmos, Cudos will enable scalable compute and Layer 2 Oracles on all of the bridged blockchains.

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CUDOS is powering AI by uniting blockchain and cloud computing to realise the vision of a sustainable, equitable, and democratised Web3.