CUDOS Intercloud: Enhanced VM Management and Private Networks

Scott Cunningham
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2024

We’re thrilled to announce some fantastic updates to the CUDOS Intercloud platform that are set to make your experience even smoother and more efficient.

Here’s a rundown of the new features and improvements we’ve rolled out:

Private Networks: Secure and Cost-Effective

We’re introducing private networks to CUDOS Intercloud, allowing you to create secure, non-public networks for your VMs. This addition enhances security and offers a new way to save on costs by reducing the need for multiple IP addresses. You can easily manage and create these networks from the new dedicated page within Intercloud. For those managing numerous VMs, this feature can significantly streamline your operations and expenses.

Bulk VM Creation: Efficiency at Your Fingertips

Need to deploy multiple VMs with the same configuration? Now you can! Use the Count box at the bottom of the create VM page to specify how many machines you want to deploy. If your VM name ends with a number, each subsequent VM will increment the number. If not, numbers will be added starting from one. This feature is perfect for scaling your operations quickly and efficiently.

VM Pagination and Search: Navigate with Ease

We’ve added pagination to the machines page, making browsing your VMs easier. The new search box lets you filter your VMs quickly by typing in the desired string. These enhancements make managing a large number of VMs much more user-friendly.

Bulk VM Deletion: Simplified Management

Cleaning up your VMs has always been challenging. Select multiple machines on the machines page and delete them all in one go. This bulk deletion feature helps you manage your resources more effectively, ensuring you can focus on what truly matters.

Delete Confirmation: Avoid Accidental Deletions

We’ve added a confirmation step before deleting any VMs to prevent accidental deletions. This simple yet effective step ensures that you have full control over your VM management.

Additional Updates

Deleting a VM now instantly removes it from the machines list, but you can still view it by toggling the switch to display deleted VMs. All deleted machines will be listed here, and we’ve removed the forget functionality to keep things neat and straightforward.

In addition to these major updates, we’ve squashed a few minor bugs to improve your overall experience on the platform.

We hope these new features and improvements enhance your CUDOS Intercloud experience, making managing your virtual machines easier and more efficient. We value your feedback and look forward to hearing how these updates help your day-to-day operations.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and happy computing! Feel free to contact our support team with questions or assistance with the new features.

