Matt Hawkins: The Vision Behind CUDOS

Scott Cunningham
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2024
Discover how Matt Hawkins turned his passion for technology into CUDO Ventures, revolutionising cloud computing and blockchain technology.

In the 90s, when the internet was just taking off, Matt Hawkins started several internet businesses fueled by his passion for new tech. As the internet became more popular, Matt noticed a big problem: getting started and set up online took a lot of work. Businesses had to deal with many companies to get everything they needed — like data center space, network services, and IP addresses. Matt saw a need for a simpler way.

In 2000, Matt founded a company called C4L with a simple goal: to help businesses get online. C4L bundled everything needed — data center space, network services, IP addresses, and more — into one comprehensive package. This innovative approach clicked with businesses, leading to rapid success. They quickly filled up space in key London data centers, earning appreciation from the industry for driving a significant amount of business their way.

By 2008–2009, C4L expanded to offer cloud solutions, particularly Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The company also grew its data center presence, spreading across the globe with various vendor brands. This early groundwork eventually evolved into CUDO — a distributed cloud platform operating across multiple data centers.

C4L was one of the fastest-growing ISPs in the UK, winning numerous awards like the Times Tech Track 100 and Deloitte’s UK Top 50. At its peak, C4L provided about 1% of the UK’s internet infrastructure and owned one of the largest private networks in the country. Their clients included government entities, FTSE 250 companies, top VARs, ISPs, resellers, and small to medium-sized businesses. C4L was acquired in 2016.

In 2017, Matt co-founded CUDO, driven by the need to address two big issues he saw in his previous ventures. First, there was a lot of IT waste — during off-hours, a lot of expensive tech was sitting there unused. Second, the high cost of setting up data centers and cloud services needed a lot of upfront cash, which was hard to get, especially during economic downturns.

“On average, customers using our platform are saving about 70% over what they were paying beforehand. We have suppliers worldwide, providing the best prices so we can get the best price and availability as well. All suppliers are sustainable. They either use renewable energy or have systems where the heat is reused for agriculture, making it carbon negative compared to traditional cloud providers.” — Matt Hawkins

CUDO Ventures started as a way to use blockchain tech to use cloud computing resources better. It began with CUDO Donate, an app that lets people donate their unused computing power to help charities by mining cryptocurrencies. This led to CUDO Miner, a more commercial setup that let anyone turn their spare computing power into cash.

Even though the tech world kept changing, Matt’s company adapted. When crypto-mining got tougher due to changes in Ethereum’s work, CUDOS’ evolution took a turn. Initially founded with the vision of optimising computing resources through crypto-mining, CUDOS quickly realised that its core technology had broader applications. As the crypto landscape shifted, so did CUDOS, morphing from a mining-centric focus to a more expansive and sustainable approach focused on cloud computing.

The turning point came with the launch of CUDO Compute. This platform marked CUDOS’ significant pivot towards becoming a powerhouse in distributed cloud computing. By tapping into the underutilised computational power globally, CUDO Compute offered a unique solution: a greener, more efficient way to handle demanding computing tasks, from AI training to scientific simulations. This shift wasn’t just about adapting to market changes but about leading the charge towards a more sustainable cloud ecosystem.

Fast forward to January 2024, CUDOS launched CUDOS Intercloud, highlighting the company’s commitment to revolutionising cloud computing. This new direction focuses on creating an interconnected, distributed cloud infrastructure that bridges the gap between various cloud service providers and blockchain networks. CUDOS Intercloud aims to deliver enhanced security, reduced costs, and greater scalability, embodying the company’s vision of decentralised and sustainable tech solutions.

“We’ve built the solution for this, which is essentially like Airbnb for cloud computing. We are able to aggregate all of the available computing capacity in the world and then make that available to the public. Our biggest USP is that many of these brands or providers aren’t even public; you can’t get a hold of them if you searched for them — you can only get through our platform.” — Matt Hawkins

Today, CUDOS is not just a company but a community-driven entity that values collaboration, innovation, and efficiency. By enabling access to computing power that would otherwise be wasted, CUDOS continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in cloud computing, staying true to its roots while forging a path toward a brighter, more sustainable future.

Matt’s journey from the early days of the internet to the forefront of AI and cloud computing is a testament to his visionary approach and adaptability. As CUDOS continues to innovate, the company is setting its sights on powering the future of AI. By leveraging its robust, sustainable cloud infrastructure, CUDOS is poised to support the exponential growth in AI applications.

With the world’s energy consumption for AI projected to soar, CUDOS’ focus on sustainable, distributed solutions is more critical than ever. This year, up to 8% of the world’s energy usage will be used for AI, and it’s projected that within the next five years, AI will represent 25% of the energy consumption in the US. The CUDOS network’s ability to harness underutilised computing power offers a cost-effective alternative and reduces the environmental impact associated with traditional data centers.

“AI has been around for a long time, but if you look at the growth of the market, you can see it in Nvidia’s sales. They went from $4.5 billion per quarter a year ago to $18 billion. This is all due to the adoption of artificial intelligence.” — Matt Hawkins

Looking ahead, CUDOS aims to become a cornerstone in the AI ecosystem, providing the necessary computational resources to fuel advancements in machine learning, data analysis, and beyond. CUDO Compute and CUDOS Intercloud are designed to meet the demands of an AI-driven future, ensuring that businesses and developers have access to the best tools and infrastructure to achieve their goals.

Matt Hawkins’ foresight and dedication have positioned CUDOS as a leader in cloud computing and AI. As the tech landscape continues to evolve, CUDOS remains committed to driving sustainable innovation, making the future of AI not only possible but also environmentally responsible.

You can follow him on Linkedin and Twitter to stay up to date with everything he’s been up to with CUDOS and beyond.

