The 2024 Roadmap for CUDOS: A Year of Innovation and Collaboration

Emma Mkrtchian
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2024

Hello CUDOS Community!

We’re thrilled to share our ambitious Roadmap for 2024. It’s been a fantastic start to the year, marked by the successful launch of CUDOS Intercloud. The journey ahead promises to bring an immense value to the broader cloud and blockchain ecosystems.

In this post, we’ll navigate through our Roadmap, which is divided into two sections: one spotlighting our flagship blockchain compute product, CUDOS Intercloud, and the other focusing on the CUDOS Blockchain itself.

CUDOS Intercloud: Expanding Horizons

The year kicked off with a bang with the launch of CUDOS Intercloud. This marked a significant expansion of our capabilities, as we now offer access to the extensive infrastructure of Cudo Compute. This upgrade means a larger number of GPUs in more locations and a broader range of OS images, amongst other enhancements. We’ll delve deeper into these in future posts, so stay tuned!

The Next Big Step: Cross-Chain Functionality

We believe in a future where blockchain thrives on collaboration and interconnectivity. Hence, we’re focusing on developing cross-chain functionalities. Our immediate goals include:

  • Accepting Stablecoin Payments: Integrating payments in stablecoin from various EVM-compatible and Cosmos chains.
  • Supporting Popular Cosmos Currencies: Enabling payments in renowned Cosmos currencies like ATOM and OSMO.

We’re all ears for your suggestions! If there are other currencies you’d prefer, let us know on Discord or our feedback form.

Partnering for Progress

Our collaborations are shaping up excitingly, focusing on enhancing CUDOS Intercloud to support specific workloads seamlessly. Given our robust range of GPUs, AI applications are a key area of our concentration.

We’re brimming with ideas and potential features, some of which are in our backlog section. Your input is invaluable to us, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions on what you’d like to see next!

CUDOS Blockchain: Aligning with the Cosmos Ecosystem

Upgrades and Integrations

As part of our ongoing efforts, we’re upgrading our network and tooling to align more closely with the Cosmos ecosystem. This alignment facilitates better collaboration with other projects, especially concerning Interchain accounts and the fee abstraction module.

Stepping into Cross-Chain Communication

A crucial focus is embedding ourselves more efficiently in the cross-chain space. Integrating with decentralised cross-chain communication protocols like Axelar is a significant step. This integration will streamline CUDOS usage, leveraging applications such as the Squid Router.

Cutting-Edge Blockchain Tooling

As the year unfolds, we aim to bring our blockchain tooling to the forefront of the industry. Key roadmap elements like the chain indexer update are part of this vision.

We’re excited to break down all the upcoming features and functionalities in more detail as their release dates approach. So, keep an eye out for our updates!

