Long-lasting Brand Impact via Social Media!

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3 min readSep 3, 2023
Long-lasting Brand Impact via Social Media!

Recently, I have been closely observing companies to assess how companies leverage social media for brand and product promotion. The majority of companies are adopting a simple strategy, which includes allocating a budget for influencer marketing. In turn, influencers create content related to the product.

While this method is undoubtedly effective for the initial promotion of a brand and product, I have identified a potential issue. When collaborating with influencers, you essentially showcase your product to their audience. This approach generates initial traction, but its long-term impact may be limited. Influencers often share numerous posts daily and collaborate with several brands similar to yours. Consequently, their audience is bombarded with various posts and promotions, which can lead to reduced brand recall and a diminished brand impact on the audience.

There’s a smartphone brand that’s addressing this issue with a distinctive approach in their social media strategy. Feel free to guess the brand in the comments section (it will also help increase the reach of this article 🙂).

They launched their first phone in 2022, but the hype began well before its release. This was largely due to the company’s founder (you probably should have guessed the company by now; anyway, dropping a hint for you in case you haven’t guessed: he co-founded another smartphone brand known as a “Flagship Killer”) and the narrative set by the brand that smartphone companies nowadays lack innovation.

After the initial product launch, public opinion about it was mixed. However, like many other companies, they sent review units to prominent tech influencers, and the company’s founder even joined them on podcasts. However, they didn’t stop there. As I mentioned earlier, influencers promote various brands within the same niche, and audiences tend to shift.

So, how is this phone brand creating a unique identity among its audience and sustaining the buzz around their phone?

First, they captured the audience’s attention by participating in podcasts and collaborating with significant tech influencers. Once they garnered a substantial audience, they began creating their content, much like tech influencers, but with a focus on their product. The company’s CEO even reviews phones from other brands and cleverly compares them to their own. Recently, they also featured a content creator who had reviewed their first-generation wireless product and criticized it….. I won’t reveal any spoilers here; it’s a great video to watch. You can find this video on their YouTube channel. (If you have correctly guessed the company’s name 😅)

By creating their own content, much like other content creators, they remain consistently visible to their audience, building strong brand recall without becoming just another brand that gets lost among the content of big social media creators, soon forgotten by the audience. Moreover, I believe this approach gives them greater control over the brand story and identity they are shaping.

Do you think more companies will be doing similar kinds of things for their brands/products?




Hey, I m Gaurav, founder of creation edges. Love to write and read about new technology.