Why Are Great Quality Javascript Developers Hard To Find?

Cuelogic Technologies
Cuelogic Technologies
8 min readMar 15, 2019

“Great” Javascript Developers — A Rare Commodity?

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find the right JavaScript developers in the marketplace owing to the skill gap increasing. As we move towards a more AI driven market, we see innovations in ML, IoT, and other disruptive platforms. Businesses are exploring these areas to find the best modality for growth and innovation. This has led to a hyper-convergence around specific skills, while the generalists are being left out.

  • Satisfying existing demand in the industry

The market has to satisfy the current need, which is why full-stack is being preferred over Js specific developers. Additionally, the market is filled with developers that understand how to code but aren’t able to lead projects across multiple domains. Developers haven’t kept up with the pace of business today and are focusing on developing code for specific projects. This does the job of recruiting the right talent that much harder over time. Projects get stalled, and the development environment remains stagnant.

DevOps and machine learning are important trends that the software domain is seeing. Developers need to maximize their skill set to remain competitive across these areas. Additionally, developers need to have a greater understanding of how these areas function. While there is a significant movement to creating more value in these communities, developers need to have a more proactive approach.

JS developers tend to be boxed into these sub-categories within their domain. This is why they’re unable to find novel solutions to complex problems.

Analysts at McKinsey consulting predict that more companies will be opting for third-party solutions and dictating models that will function in their favor. We will be having a shortage of active talent that can disrupt an industry or create higher value.

According to researchers, 2020 is mostly being seen as the year of a talent shortage. The year is being seen as a time when the demand for skilled workers will increase, with little supply left to fulfill the gaps. There is also an increased emphasis on the types of workers needed. Js developers will need to focus on improving their own perceived value, along with enhancing the quality of code produced.

  • Evolving trends in software

This, in conjunction with changing trends, contributes to the greatest software challenge that we will see in the years to come. Added to that, there are new technologies that are making JavaScript less relevant. In the short term, this is dissuading workers from opting for the field. However, in the long run, JS developers are going to be in demand. Popular frameworks like Angular & React will have made a significant mark in the development domain.

Companies are moving more towards integrated coding environments, where the developer must be able to communicate with various tiers of development teams. Since one data point can feed into another coding environment, it’s essential for the developers to be in sync. Added to this, developers must understand the core requirement for the project. If the specifications outline for a specific feature, the JavaScript code must remain consistent with that goal.

For multi-iteration-based coding schemes, it can dilute the impact of JavaScript as a language. Developers must understand the core need for the project and comply with evolving business needs. That’s why companies opt for a third-party vendor as they’re able to apply solutions that go beyond the project scope. They add incremental value and keep up with changing trends in the software scale.

This brings greater efficiencies across the board and adds to the overall goals of the organization. From a technical standpoint, fewer resources are leveraged as these hybrid/full-stack developers also communicate the necessary goals effectively.

Research from Stanford shows that developers need to become adept at multiple languages and understand the final purpose more than the code itself.

They can do this with adequate practice and a really robust approach to coding in new environments.

  • Lack of proper training

Today’s developer learns from all over the gamut of information available. From online resources to emulating code from websites, there are many tricks and hacks that developers can use to learn the skills. Certain times, a thorough test is required actually to determine the value that the coder brings. That’s why many coding teams are focusing on in-field tests rather than establishing a resume-based approach.

GitHub is emerging as an asset that can be adopted across the board. That’s where true value can be demonstrated, along with a real industry-backed approach to coding science. Coders specializing in Js need to show their strengths by completing challenges and helping others excel. This makes them valuable in the field. However, we do not see much activity in that approach. The industry is seeing graduates with limited work experience that want to work on complex projects early on.

Besides traditional learning, research from HackerFlow shows that Stack Overflow was the number 1 used tool across the board. The free website has enabled developers to refine their skill set. This also means that all developers are competing at the same base level, completing necessary projects at their own pace. Since free outlets exist, JS developers are tempted to over-estimate their actual skillset.

Companies are opting for a leaner approach now, by working directly with third-party developers.

They’re also not focusing on training their existing employee-base due to the evolving nature of business needs. They’re working with multiple teams to come up with solutions that can be defined across business requirements.

  • Thinking “Big-Picture” rather than execution

In any field, it’s essential to have one eye on the big picture and another on the minute details. That’s how you create innovation in an industry or field. Additionally, it’s essential to have a thorough approach to coding and custom application development. However, in the Js developer community, there is an excess of developers that are good in singular areas. They’re also working in silos that are defined by their skill-set. They’re not interested in moving outside and seeing the bigger picture.

That’s where development communities need coders that can think outside the box. They can create novel solutions to problems that exist and evaluate the bigger picture at hand. They can create innovative code that can solve multiple problems at once. They also need to be collaborative enough to explain the more significant challenges at hand. They shouldn’t just focus on designing the perfect code or concentrate on fixing a widget.

There is a real need for developers that can understand the business side of the picture as well. This aids in effective communication and designing solutions that are based around that.

The problem is that the trend is getting greater in size. More developers want to focus on increasingly smaller projects. They’re also working in conjunction but not innovating on their skillset. They’re picking up trending skills but aren’t investing the time necessary to focus more in-depth into that domain. They’re also working in a more traditional format of problem and code. They’re not thinking about the problem holistically and creating solutions outside of the system.

  • The need for project management & full-stack

Contrary to popular belief, a full-stack developer doesn’t just focus on databases, servers, systems, and engineer. They also focus on client interaction and strategy as well. Many JavaScript developers have a nuanced notion of the word full-stack. However, there is a real need for talent that is actually client-facing and can interact with teams independently. That’s when you can have a genuinely innovative dev-environment, where information is being presented across all corners.

There are also added advantages to having a more code-centric environment, as there are better solutions found in doing so. However, full-stack is where the real value can be found. It is here that developers can design effective solutions that can be converted into gold. Developers can also think about the problem from the customer to think about better design.

Project management skills need to be acquired over time, and a real investment must be made to this area. That’s why this soft-skill is in higher demand than being a standard JS developer. Additionally, a full-stack developer is in order owing to their flexibility. You can add a full-stack developer to any project, and they can add value to it in some way shape or form.

This is one of the greatest strengths of being a full-stack value-add. Full-stack developers also have an eye for innovation, and they’re always looking to add value to their skill-set.

They’re not satisfied by being adept at any one skill. For e.g. just developing backend in Nodejs or Front-end in Reactjs. This is incredibly useful, especially in the case where there is a need for higher thought.

Js developers may only be able to think about a project with what tools they have been taught to use. There may be a simpler solution to the problem which can be uncovered with a full-stack approach.

Additionally, when developers have a full-stack mindset, they can have corresponding and compliant code that can fit into any software package. This means that the system can be customized and adapted into an existing model. With a thorough understanding of databases and scripts, JS developers can highlight new areas where innovation can be brought through.

  • Moving towards outsourcing and efficiencies

With evolving business needs, there is a stronger dependency on third-parties that understand the project from start to finish. They can hone into what is required, and the offer is as a convenient package. They’re also able to create more value for the project as a whole. This benefits everyone from the client to the project environment. More developers can be brought in on a need-only basis. They can be reduced or expanded based on the scope of the project work.

There is a stronger push from clients to create innovative and flexible solutions from existing projects. That’s also why working with a third-party vendor works well.

They’re able to provide new and innovative features that can create solutions for core problems. When a client brings the issue “A,” they’re able to provide a solution “B” that is more effective.

They’re also able to use more tools available to them for a project. They’re not restricted by any one particular language and can create more complicated code easily. They’re able to adapt to changing business needs and can focus on multi-state solutions.

That’s why research by Computer Economics suggests that larger organizations have increased IT outsourcing to 8.7% from 6.3%. Mid-size companies have shifted to 6.5% from 4.75%. There is a real gap that the market is filling, and that is around third-party associations. Many of the top developers are now working on complex problems within the outsourced model.

It’s also a leaner approach to development, by using the right tools for proper execution. Third-party developers can also design tools that aid in active communication with clients. Since they’re through it all the way through, they’re able to provide higher value in strategy, development, and execution of the entire project. This has made them a valuable option to elect.


Quality JavaScript developers need to be molded over time, leading to greater attention and longer time for ROI. Companies are opting to outsource their development to teams offshore and are focusing on increased flexibility through innovative business models. A full-stack development team can take care of much of the development challenges facing your organization. That’s why many companies are opting to go with these development teams for their projects.

Source: Cuelogic Blog



Cuelogic Technologies
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