Mariano Morales Ramírez
Published in
1 min readSep 21, 2017


No teacher is perfect. So if you have a professor who actually seems to put in a reasonable amount of effort, answers your emails, and tries to prepare you for an actual career, do me a favor: Give them a fucking break. Many of us could coast on our charm, phone it in, and do the bare minimum required to keep from getting fired. We don’t, though. Many of us take pride in our work, and we actually care about your education, and your future. Of course, I think most of my students appreciate that. Because I’ve had my fair share of lazy teachers, I don’t want anyone to suffer through the same nonsense. Education is expensive these days. We can’t have people throwing their money away on teachers like these.



Mariano Morales Ramírez

I teach STEM related courses with AI. I like helping students find and unleash their true potential by enabling opportunities. Former Texas Tech student.