A fresh way to gauge public reception to an untapped market: recreational marijuana chemically paired with TV programming. (Jennica Atkinson/Carrot Creative for Netflix)

Potent: High Stream Flavors

A pop-up store in L.A. presages the future of lifestyle marketing in the age of legal weed. Or it doesn’t.

Published in
1 min readAug 29, 2017


Entities of commerce often make strange bedfellows. A great example of how marijuana’s intersection with the wider culture yields surprising synergies between products happened in Los Angeles over the weekend when Netflix, the streaming-TV media giant, opened a pop-up store at a local medical-marijuana dispensary to sell various strains of marijuana as a promotion specifically for one of its newest shows and for other Netflix shows. “Netflix and chill,” indeed. …

The weekend’s presumably one-time pop-up has the feel of a trial balloon for Netflix, whose programming taps into popular culture at a number of levels, with shows created with an energy, frankness, and conceptual daring that broadcast networks can’t match. And the buying public likes it. …

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Michael Eric Ross

editor | author | producer | blogger | curator | screenwriter | pain in the ass | short-sharp-shock.blogspot.com