Madonna in London, October 2023 (Kevin Mazur/WireImage/Live Nation/Getty Images)

Salon: Like an ableist? Madonna remark lifts accessibility issue

Comments from Celebration Tour stage reawaken debate over cultural tolerance of casual ableism in everyday life

Michael Eric Ross
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2024


By Nardos Haile | Salon

Pop icon Madonna is in hot water for a recent comment about a fan in a wheelchair at one of her concerts, igniting debate on ableism and accessibility.

During a March 9 stop on her Celebration Tour, the “Like a Virgin” singer is seen in a video recorded by an audience member yelling from the stage while pointing into the crowd, “What are you doing sitting down?” The implication was that the concert attendee should be standing up and/or dancing to show they were having fun or into the music.

However, Madonna realized her blunder when she walked to the edge of the stage and took a closer look at the audience member she had called out. The person was in a wheelchair. Then she said, “Oh, OK. Politically incorrect, sorry about that. I’m glad you’re here,” NBC News reported.

The video has been widely circulated on social media igniting more discourse surrounding concert etiquette with performers like Elle King, Miranda Lambert, Pink and Steve Lacey acting out against fans, perhaps disillusioned with the parasocial relationship with their fans. However, this incident has sparked more than just debate about concert etiquette, it has pointed out the casual ableism and larger accessibility issues for disabled people in spaces like concerts. …

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Michael Eric Ross

editor | author | producer | blogger | curator | screenwriter | pain in the ass |