Cult Interview

Tyler Willis at AngelList Radio interviews me about Cult Creation

Steve Newcomb | SNUK3M
Cult Creation
2 min readJun 1, 2017


The hardest thing about hiring isn’t just the act of targeting, interviewing, and picking the candidates. It’s knowing what you stand for before you ever start the hiring process. That’s because as you grow your team, you’ll be pushed and pulled from every direction. You’ll get advice from your board, from your friends, your better half, and from everyone that believes they could be doing a better job than you — which is everyone. As a founder, you and you alone, are the most important person in the hiring process because only you can set the principles, the standards, and the “north” of your vision of what type of team you want to build.

Probably the worst picture ever taken of me

Over the course of building Powerset and now Famous, I’ve learned a lot, made a lot of mistakes, and worked my way through a lot of crazy ups and downs. In all this time, I’ve tried my best to take in the real lessons learned on the battlefield and distill them into common sense rules to live by.

In this interview, Tyler asks me about many of the lessons I compiled in a previous essay I wrote in 2011 called Cult Creation where I listed out my lessons learned from building Powerset and from working with Peter Theil on my board of directors. I also added up a few new lessons learned from building my current company Famous.

Thanks for listening. Hope it helps.



Steve Newcomb | SNUK3M
Cult Creation

Filmmaker and Musician writing about the impact of AI on the art of making movies