What is Cult?

A publication built around big ideas.

Cult Media


Cult is the brain-child of Justin Bailey and Maxximilian Seijo. Justin is a student of philosophy and religion, while freelancing as a designer and marketing consultant. Max is a student of economics and the humanities, while working as a front end developer. Both have been writing individually for a number of years, and have been on Medium since 2014.

A frustration was shared as well…

After becoming friends during spring of 2014, while participating in the National Model United Nations competition, they soon discovered a shared passion for the big questions of life. A frustration was shared as well — the seeming rare event of multiple perspectives coming together to make progress toward truth and resolution. Why must it nearly always devolve into anger and absurdity? Conversations ensued.

This led to Inquiri.us. Inquiri.us started as a blog, formatted in a particular way. The format was designed to allow substantive, yet relatively brief, discussions on topics of disagreement. Max and Justin discussed the purpose of life, the death penalty, and abortion. The discussions were profitable, and led to the Inquiri.us Podcast. Schedules unfortunately conflicted over time. There was little time to achieve the sort of production quality both aspired to. So after four episodes, with another three in post production, they put the podcast on hiatus.

Individual writing continued though. And ideas of how to create “a path toward more thoughtful discourse” continued. Cult is the manifestation of many ideas, and will roll out in phases.

Phase 1

Phase one of Cult is this publication. With Justin and Max as editors, the hope is to assemble a team of diverse and thoughtful contributors. Political right to political left; traditionally religious to opposed to institutional religion; lovers of art and culture to lovers of technology and gaming; all thoughtful pieces can find a home on Cult.

As the contributor list grows, and the inevitable disagreements arise within the publication, Max and Justin will provide a platform for healthy, respectful debate. Between individual op eds, reaction pieces (called Impressions), and debates, the Cult publication is worth paying attention to.

Phase 2 & Phase 3

Secrets, for now.



Cult Media

Cult aspires to shed light on stories, news, and topics. Publication is phase one. Follow Cult and contribute. Message for info on writing for Cult.