Lee Schneider
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2021


The Mission Begins

Hi everyone,

Mission of the Lunar Sparrow, a new short-form audio drama, will launch on 21 JULY. There will be a new episode posted every week. To get things rolling, I posted a trailer.

Listen to the trailer.

Like everything else in this project, the media is compact and gets right to the point. The trailer is 52 seconds. Most of the episodes are about five minutes long.

The star of the podcast is the very talented Andia Winslow. She brings a complex humanity to the character of Commander Rae Field. The other actor in the drama is an AI. (Trust me, it will make sense when you listen.)

In later newsletters, I’ll share some thoughts about adapting the H. G. Wells novel I based this podcast upon and will try to give you a sense of what “backstage” is like on a podcast like this. I will bring more and human and AI actors to the table as I write more for them.

Mission of the Lunar Sparrow is on FutureX, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and will syndicate out to wherever you listen to podcasts. I’ll keep the archive of all episodes at 500words.ink.

Thanks for listening. I hope you enjoy it. As always, I look forward to your feedback.


Not Tracking

Here at 500 Words you won’t be tracked. I’m not tracking opens, clicks, or forwards. I’m not analyzing your IP address location. It’s just you and me, reading and writing. I’m trying to create a small part of the Internet that is focused on people and dialog, not marketing data collection.

Visit the design-minimal but information-maximal archive of all 500 Words posts and podcasts.



Lee Schneider

Writer-producer. Founder of Red Cup Agency. Publisher of 500 Words. Co-founder of FutureX Studio. Father of 3 children. Married to a goddess.