From making bananas to maintaining the status quo

We offered an open space for museum professionals to share their expectations with the museum sector. Here is what they said.

Luis Marcelo Mendes
14 min readAug 14, 2022


Photo: Rodrigo dos Reis /

If you just got to this blog, here’s a brief introduction. In June 2022, I circulated an international anonymous fast-paced online survey among museum professionals to understand if their museums were up and ready to meet the terms of the new museum definition proposed by ICOM.

Since then, I have been crunching the data results and preparing for the official presentation at the ICOM General Conference in Prague.

As a preview, I am publishing the answers from the last bit of the questionnaire: “Here’s an open space if you want to share your expectations with the museum sector…or you can just skip it. No problem”.

Of the 406 total survey participants, only 26% (106 participants) opted to share their take on the museum sector. But still, it painted a fantastic picture, and some recurrent topics drew my attention.

  1. Staff management and work issues such as “Value staff, pay realistic salaries and resource roles properly,” “I expect that all museum workers and museum institutions take themselves seriously” or “I quit in December, I am looking for future museum work but am uncertain if I’ll ever return.”
  2. Issues with government funding (especially for public museums) are also present ( “I just wish our government would support us more financially, I love my job but the pay is so bad I am considering a change of career”), sometimes in long and heartbreaking testimonials such as the one of a colleague from Iran: “our goal in our museums, which are getting poorer every day, is just to maintain the situation. There is. Whether we have visitors for our museums or not”.
  3. The new museum definition proposed by ICOM or themes related to it, including some recommendations: “La definición se queda corta, los museos no deberían tener muros y salir a compartir el patrimonio cultural con la comunidad para que ésta se apropie de él” or “Be open to public and listen to kids, they know better;)”.

I’ve listed them all on this page. Exactly as they were posted. In their language. No typo corrections and edits, except when it showed a city or museum they work on to keep them unidentified. Please take a moment to read them. Make a comment. It is worth your time.

Here’s an open space if you want to share your expectations with the museum sector.

*Thank you for your efforts, More communication and cooperation of the world’s museums, especially in the field of education

* Espero que essa nova definição de museus se efetive e que seja colocada em prática

* Desejo que todos os museus sejam realmente inclusivos e que colaborem na ratificação das identidades culturais, bem como no desenvolvimento da coletividade, de forma ética.

* Con el contexto de insecuridad, violencia y vandalismo, que vivimos actualmente en mi pais es muy dificil tener una vision clara de lo que sera el sector museistico en Haïti

* There is no reason to waist time on redefining the definition. No one in the real world cares about it.

* I expect museums to also showcase and educate about facts that might not be politically correct, but which are backed by scientific consensus, at any given time.

* Owning their own data, building their own digital realestate, not giving it away for free to lage cooperations for “fee” visability.

* o setor cresce e isso é algo que deixa mais difícil de ter expectativas, por outro lado, vejo as pesquisas ampliando os debates

* Estudo museologia e tenho muita esperança no futuro dos museus. Porém, vejo ações muito voltadas para aparência, os museus querem parecer: acessíveis, inclusivos, democráticos, mas não fazem o suficiente para efetivamente serem todas essas coisas.

* La definición se queda corta, los museos no deberían tener muros y salir a compartir el patrimonio cultural con la comunidad para que ésta se apropie de él.

* Dotação orçamentária voltada para as ações do.museu e sua sustentabilidade prevista em lei municipal

* The three museums I admire (there are many more!) all do an amazing job in opening up the wonders of the artworks, allowing people to enjoy and use them in ways that are meaningful and valuable to them, and support communities around the museums.

* Existe um grande distanciamento entre as propostas térmicas e prática.

* Value staff, pay realistic salaries and resource roles properly; invest in technology and the people to run it; give the community a voice, not on the things you want, but on what they want.

* I think we need to think about further boosting exchanges between museums. Between professionals in the sector, communication efforts exist. It is important to systematize them through the institutions. This will facilitate diversity and inclusion efforts.

* Museums will be more relevant and meaningful to their communities if they put as much effort into helping their communities create culture as they do preserving cultural artifacts: transform our current concept of the museum from treasure house to production house of culture.

* I would like people in general to be more interested in museums in the world and visit them more

* Technology is the future of the past.

* Our museum is located in the World Heritage Complex of ****** and is a mediocre local museum. This complex is completely governmental and is covered and supported by the government, but our budget is very small and we can not do enough to upgrade and standardize museums.

* meusems wants to cenected more with the new tecnology

* The long period of coronation and the closure of museums in Iran, as well as the situation in our country and the extensive sanctions that have been imposed on Iran for years, have made me believe that our goal in our own museums, which are getting poorer every day, is just to maintain the situation. There is. Whether we have visitors for our museums or not.
Maintaining the status quo means not letting the works that are currently in our museums be further damaged.
Maintaining the status quo means that our first and foremost priority for museums is to continuously upgrade conservation systems.
Maintaining the status quo means spending money on emergency and major repairs or reorganizing historical objects if we have the money.
The poor economic situation of my country has changed the vital priorities in Iran, and it is clear that museums are not the main priority. So I believe that in the current difficult times of branding for local or small museums, small towns, or multilingual museum guidance systems, or even hiring new forces for museums; None of them are necessary.
In the current situation, the main burden is on the staff of the museum, to maintain the museums and the works inside with the least facilities.

* O museu é onde você está, valorizando a memória de ontem é que a gente garante alegria de hoje em dia.

* Quero que os museus tenham cada vez mais participação na educação (formal e informal), que se tornem um local inclusivo e acessível e que sejam ambientes propícios para desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico e de pesquisas.

* Communication and commitment

* Turamies un pastāvam!!! uz mūsu leciem balstāsn kultūras mantojuma saglabāšana! (Let’s hold on and exist!!! the preservation of cultural heritage rests on our shoulders!)

* Eu adoro trabalhar no Museu

* Espero que os museus acolham e se insiram dentro das comunidades, especialmente as mais pobres, a fim de planejar e promover suas ações com um compromisso mais profundo com o fim da miséria e do acesso restrito à cultura e arte.

* Want to work as a restorer I any other museum

* I expect that all museum workes and museum institutions take themselves seriously. I.e. work to rise their level of professionalism by constantly exploring the practices of collecting, researching and disseminating our content. It should be research based, but need to recognize practical experiences as methodology for researching all sides of museum practices.

* Museum sector needs to be revitalized in the current generation.

* yes

* Repatriation debate should continue actively and with action henceforth.

* Los directivos de instituciones son autoritarios y no aceptan la autocrítica a la institución

* Dans l’actuelle définition du musée, à la dernière ligne, je préfèrerais le mot “loisir” à “plaisir”.

* I think that a new definition of the museum is descriptive. It is more like common vission

* Expectativa por um respeito e continuidade de políticas públicas, programas e projetos, por ser uma instituição de caráter permanente.

* Es preocupante que los Museo pequeños de las provincias, no tengamos las mismas oportunidades y respaldo para fortalecer nuestra misión, siendo consientes del impacto y lo que aportamos a nuestra historia, como es nuestro caso. Mi museo es un proceso de una institución de salud que está inmerso y ligado al archivo histórico. Nuestra gestión y los logros depende del interés del Director de turno de la institución, nuestro trabajo se hace por esfuerzos propios.

* I quit in December, am looking for future museum work but am uncertain if I’ll ever return.

* I like the new definition. I wish my museum really becomes like that.

* Go for the Public Collections

* I want to see museums release their control and authority over their operations and embrace the concept of our shared responsibility to preserve and learn from the past, and to serve our community’s needs…whatever they may be.

* Que sejam gratuitos, todos!

* Deberían incluir en estas encuestas a las empresas que desarrollamos servicios para museos, por ejemplo de tecnología. Que también podemos aportar mucho a la definición de museo. Gracias.

* Que os museus assumam o seu papel transformativo na sociedade.

* Please make spaces for your staff to be ethical and convey ethical concerns

* Me gustaría museos más metidos en los problemas o discusiones de la ciudad (país) y por otro lado que se deje de hablar de los museos presenciales distintos a los virtuales u online. Hace mucho ya que los dos mundos están mezclados y tenemos que poder pensar a los museos de esa manera, salvo que los recursos no nos lo permitan.

* provide research and educating students and public. and provide situation for all the people with all conditions such as disability tu enjoy the museum

* The items that I think are needed for museums in the future and their cultural development according to the level of expectation from museums include: localization — introduction of the history of the monument — introduction of the use of the monument — introduction of the restoration of the monument — introduction of historical jobs — communication Between historical monuments and anthropology of the past — Historical narration — Historical celebrities — Explaining the relationship between historical monuments -Combining feelings and emotions between the audience and the historical work in order to improve the level of introduction of the work — Proper use of the six senses in museums — Cultural economy — Future jobs in museums — Folklore in museums — Making bananas in accordance with green architecture — Environmental protection Living in the concepts of museum — museum and psychology — the capacity of museums due to cultural proximity and …..”

* we need to support of Icom

* Recognize and address its history of exclusion and wealth disparity to truly re-think what a space and place dedicated to culture means

* We’re not all “Museum” people, and our opinions/experiences are valid and useful to you.

* I expected that the general energy of everyone (including upper management) would be of someone who very much respects and values science, equity, community engagement, education, etc.; However I have come to realize they’re just in it for themselves.

* When museums become institutions with contemporary political views they lose relevance as objective sources of information.

* Don’t fix what ain’t broken! :-)

* Just want to thank for the survey

* Maior trabalho em rede

* Researching

* Be open to public and listen to kids, they know better;)

* More public understanding about the role of museums in the community.

* I still think the ICOM museum definition is idealized and should be presented as such

In order to make the museum sphere less vulnerable during global crises, blockchain technology for storing and protecting information, as well as crypto tokens for fundraising, should be used for financial support and attracting a wide audience.

* Lieve the traditional concept of Museum as a place with collections and work with the concept of Museum as a place for the community wellbeing to live all together healing experiences.

* Museums’ relationships with historically marginalized communities are still fragile, and they need to not only continue long-term relationship building beyond sharing their stage, but to offer their resources giving these communities unfiltered access to tell and archive their stories and cultures, and have a strong stake in driving the future of our institutions.

* Make museums more accessible to everyone!

* redefine the role of museums that keep non-European collections often from colonial context, see them as initiators of dialogue

* Sinto falta em dar mais ênfase e valor ao público dos museus. Ainda vejo na prática o peso na preservação e exposição de acervos e a experiência dos visitantes em segundo plano. A visão e inserção dos museus no planejamento do Turismo local, regional e nacional também deixam a desejar.

* I personally think we need to explore how to meet people in our community where they are rather than exclusively relying on them visiting our buildings. We need to expand beyond our walls and be visible in our communities.

* Quisiera que todas estas declaraciones de principios que se ven hermosas escritas puedan motirizar el cambio real para que nuestros museos sean significativos para sus comunidades

* Espero que os Museus se tornem organismos vivos, que dialoguem com os territórios, que demostrem efervescência cultural, artística e históricas, mas também sejam organizações autônomas e que busquem diversificar fontes, públicos e parcerias. E principalmente ajudem uns aos outros, só assim todos irão se desenvolver.

*Es imprescindible no sólo valorar las colecciones del museo, sino también al recurso humano que lo hace posible. Las áreas de apoyo generalmente somos invisibilizadas y dejadas de lado.

* Vivo actualmente en la ciudad de ***, **, y el sector artístico cultural está en crecimiento pero aún muestra algunos retos por superar.

* Vivemos alguns tempo de pandemia afastado de todas as nossa atividades e contato com pais, amigos e pessoas do nosso dia a dia . Mas em toda esta história triste — tivemos uma nova atividade online que surgiu agredito para ficar. Museus fizeram trabalhos belissimos em cursos que até hoje nos podemos acessar de dentro de casa em horários adequados as nossa necessitades e atividades, coisa que nao seria possível fazer. cursos e em lugares que jamais vc poderia estar em relação a tempo e custo . Até em outros pais temos esta possibilidade e de interagir com as pessoas tb.

* Que los museos sean reconocidos por las demás instancias como instituciones importancia y NECESARIAS para el fortalecimiento de las comunidades. La generación de ciudadanos pensantes y sintientes.

* Desarrollar proyectos más inclusivos para estudiantes y grupos vulberables.

* En mis 9 años trabajando como historiador en la **** en **** Colombia, no me cabe duda duda que nuestras instituciones cumplen un papel educativo, artístico y cultural en nuestra sociedad, la cual debe seguir manteniéndose cada vez más fuerte.

* Si

* Quisiera trabajar en el área de Curaduría, mi formación profesional. Ya que educación no es mi área

* Los museos necesitan renovarse, revolucionar los modos de curar y ofrecer exposiciones; involucrarse como agentes activos de transformación social desde la comunidad donde se encuentran insertos, lamentablemente los museos de instituciones de gobierno no pueden involucrarse de esta manera.

* Que se a través de políticas públicas se protejan más a los museos y sus trabajadores

* Seria ótimo se os pesquisadores dos museus trocassem informações com mais facilidade

* Profesionalización

* Responsável pela operação, manutenção e conservação do ***, encarregado fazer parte de um pilar importante para garantir a sustentabilidade e perenidade deste importante equipamento cultural.

* Tenho esperanças que os museus possam ser mais inclusivos, considerar as periferias e as minorias.

* En la definición, me parece que habría que hacer énfasis en el papel educativo del Museo. Educación patrimonial, educación en derechos humanos, Museos centrados en la PERSONA, más allá del visitante. La preeminencia del valor social de los Museos. Es un espacio para enseñar y formar personas , para que desarrollen un pensamiento crítico, que los lleve a generar ideas sobre cómo comprometerse en la lucha contra toda forma de racismo, discriminación y exclusión. Formar personas que se comprometan a transformar la sociedad, para que, lo que se haga sea enfocado en el bien común y en el cumplimiento de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible ODS 2030.

* Que los museos no sean galerías, que sean espacios de diálogo y democratización cultural.

* Adoraria que fosse diferente, mas ando muito desestimulada e pensando em ir para outra área.

* Me preguntó cómo puede un museo hablar de decolonizarse mientras mantiene prácticas de empleo injustas y sin seguridad laboral para sus empleados.

* Considero que aún falta mucho para flexibilizar nuestras propuestas ante el mundo que vivimos y lo que requieren las generaciones. Nuestros museos deben, sí conservar sus valiosos acervos pero de cara al futuro comunicándose con sus visitantes para poder ser relevantes y aportar soluciones en nuestras sociedades de colaboración con la comunidad.

* Quien promueve esta encuesta?

* Um museu onde as vozes sejam ouvidas, em que a história seja um parâmetro para a construção de um futuro sustentável economicamente, socialmente, culturalmente.

* Quiero museos que emocionen y sorprendan más…

* Os museu devem ser um espaço de diálogos de cooperação educação e cultura…

* Seguir aprendiendo y formar parte de una comunidad

* Além de um propósito de construir coletivamente com a comunidade, de ser mais participativo, e de abordar temáticas identitárias nas exposições e programações, a ideia de decolonizar o museu precisa estar enraizada internamente, desde procedimentos de trabalho e decisões menos “top down”, até contratações de pessoas diversas — e isso significa cargos de liderança também. Conselhos e diretoria precisam entender que decolonizar o museu significa rever missão, atuação e governança.

* Nice

* Que possamos juntos, promover e divulgar a importância da instituição Museológica enquanto espaço de conservação e preservação da história, da memória no que tange seu conceito, e defender a prioridade que o legado de um Museu promove para quem há de vir…

* Pela valorização dos museus pelos órgãos públicos brasileiros, municipais, estaduais e federais

* I just wish our government would support us more financially, I love my job but the pay is so bad I am considering a change of career.

* Espero que os museus seja tratados com maior autonomia, especialmente os museus públicos. Que sejam buscadas mais iniciativas de parcerias público-privada principalmente voltadas a impulsionar turismo.

* Museums should become part of people’s daily lives and should have the power to influence the construction of mankind’s future.

* Hope for the best. Expect the worst. (Angela Carter)

* Museums should engage more with contemporary and controversial issues, particularly climate change. They should be role models for environmental sustainability issues.
A decolonised space, that fosters community engagement, works with source communities on exhibitions from planning to implementing

* There is need for ICOM to come with a project that will develop a “Global Integrated Museum System” (GIMS) that combines museums resources in both developing and developed countries to enable visitors to virtually have access to these museum for sustainable development of museums. Benefits are great for both museums in developing and developed countries including the public they serve in this COVID-19 pandemic era and beyond.

* Importante la participación con la Definición del ICOM que se votará en ICOM Praga 2022

* There should be different things rather than doing the same events and programs as well as similar themes.

* transfer its paradigm to value-oriented, reinvented, and impact-focused

“Are we there yet?” is a collaboration between Cultivia and ICOM MPR.

