Christa Wittmier
Cultur Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2017

Hey hey that week went by fast. Faster than August even!

I hope you had a chance to check out one or two of my Labor Day Picks. Good vibes and good people making great memories. I was loving all the story streams throughout the weekend.

Now that school is back in session the streets are alive with action. While local watering holes and eateries with Wi-Fi are hyped to see the surge in their business, the rest of us on the roads might be getting a little testy. With my car being the car that it is, other drivers only have one of two reactions. They either smile and wave a shaka, or purposely keep their eyes straight and side-eye when they think I’m not paying attention. I get it. It’s a pink art car. The driver must be either super cool or super crazy.
It’s easy to make assumptions out there; red convertible mustang equals tourists, Jeep Wrangler equals military and Toyota Tacoma is kama’aina. Of course this isn’t all true, but I say just remember to drive akamai for your own sanity. Traffic is a given. I implore you to enjoy the ride.

Here’s some picks for the weekend, which got here at lightening speed this week:

First Thursday Slam Poetry at Hawai’ian Brian’s
It’s ok if you haven’t already experienced this highly fervent storytelling event. There’s never a better time than right after school started to be a n00b. Most may already be familiar with the event or may have attended to perform or cheer on a friend. It takes a lot of guts to get behind a microphone and spill your guts. With such an open, supportive tribe of regulars, I can tell you if you’re thinking about sharing now is the time. If you don’t have a creative bone in your body (sad) it’s worth going just to soak in a room full of loving and supportive people. Highly recommended event.

Paint For Your Soul at Downbeat Lounge

These paint parties are the new hot yoga but something is telling me that this event’s host Gwenaelle Devaux takes us even deeper. The Fijian yogi has found her true north holding painting events as therapy for hospitals, children, and patrons of the Downbeat Lounge. This is a great first date, and you can exchange your paintings at the end! Ok, maybe second or third date…
What you get out of a painting event depends on how you see the world and your place in it. This is the time to forget the past and future and just work in the present. If I put some blue here, or more yellow dots there, how does that change my place in space and time?

Hell Caminos are Playing!
Such a glorious act. Sometimes they’re here. Sometimes they’re there. Now that Michael Camino is back on island we get the occasional treat of seeing him rock out with his band. For some it’s a nostalgic blast from the past, but for new people just prepare to be all caught up in their passionate performance. They truly rock. Their words:

The lyrics are astounding. Imaginative, Profound, Dark, all abound with the words these guys use to convey their message. All 3 members sing, and each has a distinct vocal skill and style, which naturally fits the songs they choose.
Best known for their manic live shows, they embrace showmanship like no other. Their madness will burn a hole in the stage and a hole through your brain.

Murder Mystery Fundraising Party
Sure you can go to the same bars, same clubs, same food joints, same afters every weekend and be very satisfied with your life. I’m just suggesting one or two destinations where it isn’t just about shots, cocktails, and mating calls. With the success of the Breakout Waikiki I know a lot of you are already on to this style of being social. If you haven’t tried this yet, just be confidant in knowing it’s a great way to bring people out of their shell, i.e. perfect bonding time with co-workers, classmates, sports teams, or the group text.

Last thing: if you haven’t yet, make a point of seeing Justin Chon’s new film. It thankfully got a limited theatrical release that is gaining success after Sundance. It’s important to see it, especially now.

Cultur: The World’s Event Guide

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Christa Wittmier
Cultur Blog

DJ, columnist, marketing director. stage IV cancer still alive.