Sacro GRA by Gianfranco Rosi

Beppe Simone
Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2015

This film focuses on the lives of people living on the edge in every sense. Bizarre but real characters populate Pasolinesque scenes from the periphery of Rome, away from the glitter of La Grande Bellezza. Some are harsh, some are sweet, like the man living with his daughter spending time watering plants and commenting on the happenings underneath a tower block next to the biggest circular highway of the city known as the Great Ring (Grande Raccordo Anulare — GRA).

They are showing it on Dutch TV so here is your chance to watch it

Rome has been in the international spotlight this summer due to the many problems related to public transport, rubbish collection, migrants reception and the New York Times ran a piece titled Romans Put Little Faith in Mayor as Their Ancient City Degrades that sparkled debate and twitter campaign #iostoconroma to mobilise citizens to help clean up the mess.

