All about our challenge : Comicdom Press Junior

Danai Kontitsi
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
5 min readJan 22, 2017

Our challenge for this semester’s course “Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship” was the Marketing Strategy improvement of Athens Comic Library Educational Programs “Comicdom Press Junior”. After a meeting with Ms Lida Tsene, Co-Founder of Athens Comics Library, and Ms Vasileia Vaxevani member of the Athens Comics Library organizers team and Head of the educational programs we understood the problems, the drawbacks and the obstacles they have as organization. Having the pros and cons of the educational programs in mind we tried to find the most pragmatical yet fresh ideas to improve the marketing strategy of “Comicdom Press Junior”.

After some meetings and brainstormings our team (Ioanna Thanasi Katerina Tsigarida Xenia Ntavranoglou and Danai Kontitsi) did came up with some new, fresh and innovative ideas to make the educational programs of Athens Comics Library more popular. Of course we couldn’t keep all of our ideas so we chose the ones that will benefit the “Comicdom Press Junior” lab by using a very small budget. Our promotion ideas include a great investment in social media (digital marketing) and in classic promotion strategies such as discount cards and coupons. We believe that a strong presence in Facebook and Instagram will attract the interest of the wanted target group and increase the children's’ attendance. As an example of our ideas we present you one of the gifs we made for the “Comicdom Press Junior” lab’s social media.

As for the more usual promotion methods, in our point of view there is always the economical aspect that we miss some times; so we believe that some discounts to the loyal costumers will increase the children’s participation because the parents are the ones that bring them to the program. By making discounts you make them realize that the people behind this program are actually thinking about them and their children.

As for our experience through this challenge and our collaboration with Ms Vasileia Vaxevani and Ms Lida Tsene we only want to thank them both for letting us work on such an interesting project! We hope that our ideas will help the organization to improve “Comicdom Press Junior” lab’s marketing and bring the comic culture back to the game.

Interview with Vasileia Vaxevani

Could you tell me a few words for your activities in the creative sector?

In this question she didn’t answer in the typical way.. she left her work talk for her! She is philologist, writer, professional storyteller and story lover and the organizer of educational programs of Athens Comic Library. She is one of the ‘Daughters of Tales’ , ‘Paramithokores’ as it is known in Greek, who brought the art of ‘Kamishibai’ in Greece.

· Do you believe that practicing creativity in one sphere has a broader impact on other spheres like places, the economy or/and the society; Could you give me some examples from your experience;

‘In my opinion here h Greece the organizations which are practicing creativity are mostly schools where creativity has a great impact on children. The way I see it creativity is a medicine for the kids in many aspects of their lives. It’s a way to convey their feeling. their thoughts, their problems. They can even learn themselves by practicing creativity. So in this sphere I believe that creativity has a considerable impact and this is what I see through our educational programs.’

· Has the Greek crisis boosted culture-led partnerships and innovative initiatives?

‘Well, the crisis has definitely ruined Greek peoples’ creativity and that’s a fact. Everyone’s only thought is ‘ How Am I save myself?’ and they are thinking extremely competitively. They don’t want to share the cultural market, which is something we don’t see abroad. In my opinion they don’t trust themselves and that’s where the problem begins. That’s why we don’t see innovative ideas anymore here.’

· Do you believe that the creative sector as a whole is a pillar of promoting a nation’s and a city’s image? Is it provoking transformations in the reputation of a country and its people? In which ways? Could you share some thoughts in the light of your experience?

‘Absolutely yes! When a city or a nation has creative projects and ideas they become beacon of inspiration and everyone want to visit it. Take as an example Berlin…I’ve been there, It is not a beautiful city but it has this atmosphere.. the one that you know ones you are there you can do anything you want. So, yes it is a great promotion for a city, a country and its people.’

· Do these culture-led spillovers are self-sustaining or need a ‘push’ from the State or other actors? Which way forward?

‘In my experience culture-led spillovers can find the best ideas by themselves, there are people who are gifted and talented and they can bring to life amazing and innovative ideas. But when you want to live from that you need to put your idea in the market and that’s the difficult part. So, in my opinion yes a cultural organization can bring an idea to life but it need a ‘push’ from other cultural sectors. As for a ‘push’ from the state, here in greece I don’t think it’s a good idea. I will give you as example the ‘Vavel’ which was running some years ago and it had a subsidy. ‘Vavel’ get used to work this way…they had solve their sponsorship problem and they weren’t stand by in case something goes wrong. And it did. The state stopped the subsidy and ‘Vavel’s end came with this decision.’

· If a creative nation/city is a nation which is defined by nationhood, cultural openness, respect and tolerance, the support of innovation, initiative and the creation of activity, in your opinion how could Greece and then Athens become a creative nation/city?

‘In my point of view Greece could adopt its glorious days (meaning Ancient Greece) when people where open-minded and they weren’t afraid to try new things. For instance they ones saw a city celebrating with wine and dances, they learn about God Dionysus and they liked him as a God, so they decided to celebrate too. They were flexible, they liked the changes. In my opinion Athens is not as ‘strict’ as we think.. It just needs to be more flexible.Greece has all the needed credentials but we must stop surviving and start living. I believe we should embrace the refugees and learn from them new cultures, new ways of working and thinking. In the whole history there is no country which accommodated refugees and it they destroyed its reputation. We should think as all creative countries, we should embrace new populations and work with this new material.’



Danai Kontitsi
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship

Studying Communication Media and Culture at Panteion University of Athens | Interested in Advertising , Marketing, PR and Radio Production