Final Essay for our project with MoovieReel

diana ts
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
3 min readJan 20, 2017

Οur semester has come to an end and so has our project with MoovieReel. We managed to send e-mails to 6 associations trying to convince them to take part in our Ηispanic Film Festival and support us with their help.Our goal was approach them explaining why we chose them to sponsor us present them our mutual goals for the cinematograph and our audience give them arguments on why they should offer their help on our festival.

So, during these tasks we chose to connect with 2 organizations, the Instituto Cervantes de Atenas and the Spanish Embassy, 2 informative websites, the Athinorama and the Popaganda , 1 radio station, the Menta Fm and 1 production company, the SOUL Productions.

Ιn each e-mail we made sure we emphasized the importance of the festival’s message: to show the greek audience how special the spanish culture, their traditions and their way of lifestyle are and to give attention to hispanic countries, even the most marginalized.

Οur final task was to summarize and make a final assignment about our challenge.In our essay we gave more information about MoovieReel, we explained our goals,our responsibilities as a team and our methods of communication with the other associations.Finally, we send a questionnaire to MoovieReel team and the answers will complete our essay as it talks about companies’ contribution on society and gives a whole outlook on our project.The Questions & Answers are below :

Ιn collaboration with Panagiotis Stamatopoulos, we understood clearly how we should get in touch with organizations in an official and more professional way and how we should e-mail them.

smaro koveou Iliana Chalimourda Ioanna Chatzimanolaki Kostas Botinis

