Creative Proposals for Netwix web channel, assigned by Lida Tsene for “Cultural Enterpreneurship” session at Panteion University.

Our university project team had the great opportunity to talk to Mrs. Artemis Lamprinidi, head of Netwix, who gave us the project of coming up with creative proposals, so that four brands (Jack Daniels, Red Bull, Vodafone CU & IKEA) will be natively advertised in either new tailor made shows or in already existing ones.


The brief that was assigned to us for the native advertisement of our client IKEA was to include the company’s products in an already existing web show of Netwix with a content of a “Back to School” project. Our core target group is university students aged from 18 to 25.


We chose Viral News as the show to advertise in a native way IKEA products. Netwix is now entering the information area and gets its own central newscast. Forget everything you knew until now about journalism, all the clichés, the directed news and old-fashion journalism. The “real” news as you have never seen or heard anywhere else is only on Netwix! Every week, news from Greece and abroad, from the unique perspective of Mikeius!

The plan starts with the presenter telling the news of the day and suddenly comes a brief of breaking news with the following broadcast: “breaking news: we have a live connection with the IKEA store at the airport where students have come in numbers to purchase the famous LACK coffee table only for 9,99 euros”. Then with a panoramic view from the camera we spot a student that has not come to buy the popular table. Then the reporter approaches the unique student and bombards him with questions to solve this mystery.

At the end of every episode the host Mikeius stands up to walk away from the set and wears different superhero outfits. So we decided to give him a box from the IKEA company with the sign “FRAGILE” written on it to wear it as pants and advertise in a fun clever way our client.

At this point, we would like to thank miss Lida Tsene(Professor at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University), and Artemis Lamprinidi, Head of Ntewix, for giving us the chance to experience a real-time case for brands like these and for the excellent collaboration!


Izabella Kefala Margaret Georgiadou Anastasia Zapadioti Fotini PanavouVasilis Plegas

