Questions answered about El Sistema Greece.

After our first meeting with manager of El Sistema Greece Dimitra Raftopoulou we had questions growing in our minds about the whole organization so we wrote down several questions that came up.

First of all, everything about the organization is listed in their website so our questions were pretty much answered. El Sistema is a newly found organization with no significant background in Greece, that originated in Venezuela. It consists of 2 Co Founders, 1 Country managing director, 8 teachers and 2 translators. The number of children coming to meetings and classes is huge at about 3.000 to 4.000. They host their classes at a building in Athens called Impact Hub Athens.

It was pretty exciting listening to some of the stories that occurred during their meetings with the children, and some of them were shocking aswell.

We had a hard time trying to find problems with this organization. The country and the government helps them a lot and back them up if they need anything. Some minor problems that we spotted and we plan to take action are that when they (el sistema) organize an event or a fundraiser they are going to need people to help them like volunteers and for the whole setup of the event. They don’t really have an economic problem but with the success that they achieved so far they are going to need their own mini vans to move their equipment, warehouses to store their stuff and also their own workplace to work in.

We will try to find ways to provide solutions or a timetable of events to help them as much as we can. Stay tuned.

Team members : Andrea, Stelios Evangelou Marios Orthodoxou and Minas Georgiou



Constantinos Christodoulu
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship

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