Set the game!

Animasyros Festival- University goes in real world


How old are you? Does this question sound offensive to you? Well, it shouldn’t. Let me share with you that we all have a creative child inside us… and let’s admit it, we all do like animation films! On the other hand, does a young university student have the opportunities an older professional has? In our case, it seems that definitely does!

Ninth Animasyros Festival

This samester, our class is given the privilege to work on a real wolrd assignement cooperating with several creative entepreneural organisations in Greece. Going from theoritical knowledge to practical application, our team- composed mostly of kind of culturemaniacs :P - will try to contribute in Animasyros Festival.

Animation is considered as one of the most growing kind of visual art gaining more and more funs of every age and has achieved to develop from a children’s movie to established artwork.This animation festival held since 2008 in the capital of Cyclades, Syros, is the largest of its kind in Greece and one of the 20 most important globally. It comprises screenings tributes to international festivals, artists and studios as well as competitions in some categories too, media literacy activities, parallel events like round tables or guided tours in the island and finally themed parties. Last year Agora-Meeting section was added in the festival aiming at creating a professional network that will lead in patnerships and synergies through lectures, open networking meetings, presentations, closed working pitching sessions, creation of a bibliotheque. The admission is free and both the screenings and the educational programs address to different.

Our first meeting!

In our first meeting with Maria Anestopoulou, the Festival Director, she explained us some of the problems that the organising team has recognised in festival’s image and operation. This year, Animasyros won a competition that allows its participation in the new crowd funding platform, Act4Greece. However, greek community doesn’t seem used to such ways of funding, neither is willing to take part in them. Additionally, the festival has not maden known the fact that 85% percent of the festival is based on volunteers, even when we are talkling about corporate members. Thus, people criticise this attempt to get better funded and are prejudised against it. Another issue is that Syros’ local community, despite the big economical benefits it gains, contributes mostly in kind that doesn’t cater for festival’s needs.

Being charged with such an important challenge made us feel highly stimulated and determined to try our best in order to help and take a lot from all the experience!

Be informed for our project’s progress by our next posts!

Our team: Elena Chalari, Filitsa Makris/Moutousis, Eftychia Rantou, Hlianna Theodwrakopoulou

Project Manager: Lida Tsene

You can find other stories on the same project here:



Filitsa Makri/Moutousi
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship

Personal Relations and Advertising-Culture,Media and Communication, Panteion University- Culture addict:D