The process…


photos from the exhibition “Urgent conversations : Athens-Antwerp” photos:Rafaelia_Thiraiou

After visiting the exhibition “Urgent Conversations:Athens-Antwerp” at the Museum of contemporary art in Athens, we experienced various emotions and we began to wonder how the educational program will help the museum’s visitors understand the exhibition and actually communicate with the exhibits. After a lot of thought and brainstorming it came down to something we all felt connected to and we all thought it was an “ urgent conversation”.

Next stop is our meeting with Mrs. Marina Tsekou to let her now our idea and get it approved so we can continue to actually create our idea!

The idea of the educational project will be published soon.

Stay tuned…

Our team:

Arbiros Athanasios-Stavros

Daphne Rinte

Goni Nefeli

Thiraiou Rafailia

