Vodafone CU Native Ad Proposal #Netwix

Fotini Panavou
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
2 min readJan 23, 2017

Creative Proposals for Netwix web channel, assigned by Lida Tsene for “Cultural Enterpreneurship” session at Panteion University.

Our university project team had the great opportunity to talk to Mrs. Artemis Lamprinidi, head of Netwix, who gave us the project of coming up with creative proposals, so that four brands (Jack Daniels, Red Bull, Vodafone CU & IKEA) will be natively advertised in either new tailor made shows or in already existing ones.

Vodafone CU:

The given brief defined that we should build content for University students. Specifically, our core target group was 18–25.

So after a creative brainstorming, we came up with “Big Talk”, a Netwix show presented by Labros Fisfis.

The Script:

Our beloved presenter of Big Talk in the context of “Back to School” emission set the following question: “Which is the greatest racket you did in order to cheat in exams” .

One of the presenters will say: A friend of his was in the lecture theater and they were communicating about the answers of some exams. At some point the credits of the cell phone were all used up and he can’t talk anymore. Suddenly one of the lads mentions the CU offers and how much you can save up with them (1000 minutes only for 4€. The prize for the best story is 2 burgers (according to the current CU offer) BECAUSE IN CU EVERYBODY WINS. There are some complaints from the rest of the guys and suddenly here comes two drinks from Mikel (from the other offer). Last but not least the presenter receives a Vodafone SIM card.

At this point, we would like to thank miss Lida Tsene(Professor at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University), and Artemis Lamprinidi, Head of Ntewix, for giving us the chance to experience a real-time case for brands like these and for the excellent collaboration!


Izabella Kefala Margaret Georgiadou Anastasia Zapadioti Fotini Panavou Vasilis Plegas

