
April Murphy
The Currentivist
Published in
1 min readJan 15, 2016

Pale pink clouds against the first blue light, the dog is winding her leash around my legs in a wide circle that narrowly avoids bringing me down on the icy sidewalk.

Checking in on reddit responses that I’ve received over the past few days on personality disorder forums for sociotype submissions.

I forgot that the roomie told me a couple of nights ago that his car battery was dead and that he would need a jump. I’m not sure why I thought he’d resolved that but it looks like neither of us is going to the therapist today. Mine was just for group, so I can miss it and it will be okay.

Oatmeal time. Gnat cloud has divided into two regions of the house — the kitchen and the living room. I’m not sure why the roomie didn’t take out the trash or clean out the cabinet like he said he would yesterday. I’m pretty frustrated about it and not sure how to communicate that. I’m hoping he will do it today.



I need to find a way to be more self reliant.

Took out trash, fed dog.

