
April Murphy
The Currentivist
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2016

Feels Like 16° Light Snow

Woke up good and mad, hopefully it gets me somewhere today. I found the source of the gnat cloud last night and am going to be cleaning out one of the cabinets today, not sure why there were carrots in there or who put them in there but they are definitely mostly liquid and mush.

Just walked Lola through the snow shower to check the mail. Don’t know what this eviction notice for nonpayment of rent is all about, as far as I know the roomie paid it this month. I don’t understand how the office has messed up so many things already, this is likely a mistake and just one more mistake added to a long list of gross negligence.

Waking up for real this time. Wish I was back in school, I should email that one lady at the WorkOne place. I need to put my student loans into deferment. I need to call the food stamps office. I need to figure out what’s going on with this eviction notice. I don’t believe that the roomie didn’t pay rent, he wouldn’t do that.

Well, just talked to roomie and it turns out that he forgot to pay rent over the holiday but that he did buy the money order and just misplaced it. Today is not my day. Still gotta call lawyer and tell her about my visit to the ER over the weekend cause I gotta call every time I go to a doctor. Then gotta call to see where the fuck the maintenance people are cause they didn’t show up yesterday.


I should just buy a lottery ticket. What are the odds any of this other shit’s going to be sorted out any time soon? Seems like as viable of an option as any. Regardless, I need to get my room clean and stop spending all day in bed. Fucking crisis energy has to be used on something, might as well use it on something that I can actually complete.

Roomie found the money order. Whew. Now to go down to the office and talk about when we can pay this late fee and where the fuck the maintenance people are and when shit is going to be fixed. Roomie made fuel:

fried egg on ham on cheese on mustard on bread

