I’m An AntiSocial Book. Read me.

Mallory Smart
The Currentivist
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2015

not exactly strange but antisocial…

Sitting and staring at Lenox tiles. Deeply out of body, but stuck in my own mind. Keep making perfect squares with eyes out of figures on the floor. Each perfect square begets another and another and another, like a Greco-Roman mythological experience.

It’s funny how the only thing I can see are perfect squares. Not rectangles, not some outside figure or force, just geometric perfection. There’s something poetic and philosophical about that..

what is perfection when no one has ever really seen a perfect circle or straight line? do we know what it is?

The starting point is a perfect square. And if the original tile was a triangle or a circle, I would see perfect triangles or perfect circles.

but i’ve never seen perfect

YOU are my moon.

Thank you.

Love you.

I am a sea.

I am antisocial.

iAntisocial modal coffee

unwanted sex…




you know what they say, there are two types of men in this world: ones who know Johnny Got His Gun and ones who grab said book out of my hand without even knowing me and butcher the plot in a crowded Starbucks.

I am fucking neither #NoFomo

Ive always been antisocial. Its strange because im the youngest of five kids and the other four are outgoing and talkative. But I like reading books and writing and looking at clouds and cuddling with my cat instead. I’m strange.

My boyfriend came into my life and now we could be strange together.

but I dont need ‘together’ to be strange

i do it just fine on my own

a guy in a tie decided that this strange girl was way too comfortable once. He took my book out my hand and began telling his friend about the commie propaganda I was reading. When he was finished he tossed the book back over to me without ever addressing me personally. But my outgoing friends say he was just trying to find common ground with me. I guess I just didn’t get it.

common decency: it isnt a gateway drug to socialism

the social confusion rests here. preorder it : “I’m AntiSocial Coffee Never Lies” from Bottlecap Press.



Mallory Smart
The Currentivist

small human who writes. editor-in-chief @maudlinhouse