The Currentivist
Published in
1 min readSep 29, 2014



In the Space We are Free

as I feel the spread and pull that grabs on me

I feel then myself stiffen in agitation

which rolls into hard-necked indignation…

aching in a networked world of cobs and webs

— lines upon lines crossing lines and lines —

and thereto it becomes clear,

as another fined-tuned adjustment of my reality goggles,

that to me my place of least fear is in the spaces.

So it was said to me:

“In the spaces do let free

cast off & evil come when be

but we drop, rise, swipe, or crawl

relish in the free-fall

or the concrete —

do come what will be

it is no matter

for in the spaces we are free.”

So if it is one with whom we were blasted to breathing things

Or if with one with whom we were integrated in a reality

it is no matter for it is the journey in the spaces we do realize we are free.



The Currentivist

Barely holding my sanity together with peanut butter. Willing to contribute poetry to SciFi / Fantasy works (draegohnkihn@gmail.com). heathenthink.blogspot.de