Culturati 2022: Year in Review

Culturati Team
Culturati: Magazine
4 min readDec 19, 2022

By Myste Wylde, COO at Culturati

As we share our highlights from the year past, we also look ahead to how we answer the challenges of tomorrow. Below we’ve captured the most pressing issues in the workplace today based on C-suite surveys, expert interviews, and community conversations. Whether you’re a long-time member of our community or new to the cause, here are the top items to note from 2022 and for 2023.

The Culturati Summit

In 2022, we returned to the original, in-person Culturati Summit format of 150 invite-only executives, scholars, and other leaders to facilitate true discourse and “roll up your sleeves” problem solving. The dialogue between C-suite peer and equivalent here informs our thought leadership for the months ahead, including the tactical application we produce for middle management and VPs.

Microsoft and McKinsey & Company joined us as Knowledge Partners bringing a wealth of data-driven research and expertise to the conversation.

Keynote on The Forgotten Capital: the Role of Social Capital in Unlocking Workplace Culture & Performance

In 2023, Microsoft and McKinsey & Company will return as our Knowledge Partners with fresh insights into culture & organizational health including how we drive performance in the new normal and help our employees and communities thrive.

We’re in great conversations with Indeed/Glassdoor as well who we hope will join us and bring the latest data-driven information and practices. (See our recent Culturati: LIVE — People & Teams in Today’s Workplace featuring their Chief Economists below.)

The rest of our sponsorship is in formation. Please reach out if interested.

Our Organization’s Next Chapter

In 2022, we announced that Culturati is spinning out from the Entrepreneurs Foundation as its own entity.

In 2023, we will be refocusing our mission to:

Change the World through the Workplace, together.

We are discussing what this means and welcome your ideas. Eugene Sepulveda (who remains Co-founder & CEO) is interested in potential policy change. I — inspired by a recent conversation with Cate Prescott and Tabitha Upshaw from NI — want to look more closely at the boardroom. However we do it, we know we’ll need to do it together.

Culturati: On Demand and Culturati: LIVE

In 2022, we launched our Culturati: On Demand video library and relaunched Culturati: LIVE as part of our renewed commitment to sharing and producing bleeding-edge scholarship and ideas.

Culturati: On Demand is our comprehensive video library including sessions from our annual Summits, expert-led webinars, and additional content designed to educate and inspire. These videos are categorized by topics such as Future of Work, Science of Culture Building, Leadership & more as well as being searchable by keyword or tag and available 24/7 for convenient viewing.

Culturati: LIVE sessions are our real-time talks featuring professional & scholarly panels or one-on-one discussions on social, cultural, and political issues. Watch our latest with Svenja Gudell (Chief Economist, Indeed) and Aaron Terrazas (Chief Economist, Glassdoor) as they discuss the top five trends from their inaugural Hiring & Workplace Trends Report for 2023 with Eugene.

In 2023, we are hoping to host monthly LIVE conversations and produce specific content for On Demand. For the first time, we’re taking topic & speaker submissions.

Top of Mind & Strategic Programming

In 2022, our programming pillars were The Great Resignation, Future of the Workplace, and Civil Discourse with through lines of the CEO as Chief Communicator, Mental Health & Wellness, and DE&I.

We heard from incredible leaders like Cynt Marshall, David Brooks, Andrea Alexander, Chris Hyams, Ellen McGirt, Carin Taylor, and many other inspirational speakers.

In 2023, our pillars will be Leadership Reimagined, Talent in a Hybrid World, and the next chapter in the Future of the Workplace. These categories come from the extensive research, polling, and other dialogue that has gone into shaping our vision for 2023.

Leadership Reimagined will include a focus on women in leadership, social issues, & creating safe spaces as well as:

  • New expectations of leaders
  • Building Leadership as a core skill
  • Importance of soft skills

Talent in a Hybrid World will center on:

  • Hiring — Retention — Engagement — Thriving
  • Development & coaching
  • Redefining productivity

Future of the Workplace will further examine:

  • People
  • Place
  • Teams & technology

To stay up-to-date, subscribe to our bi-weekly On Culture newsletter email, and if you have topic or speaker suggestions for Culturati: LIVE or would like to submit a written piece for Culturati: Magazine please email me at

From all of us at Culturati, we wish you Happy Holidays.

With love,

Myste, Eugene, Josh, Annie

*A resounding THANK YOU to all of our supporters. You take care of our staff and make our Summit and thought leadership happen. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, we could not do it without you.



Culturati Team
Culturati: Magazine

Culturati is a community of CEOs, entrepreneurs, investors and other c-suite leaders who practice & study culture building and share our play books.