Culturati: Magazine

Culturati Team
Culturati: Magazine
5 min readJun 7, 2018


Publisher’s Notes

While the world spirals . . . nationally, insulting allies and imposing tariffs on Canada, Mexico and Europe while hugging despots and autocrats, separating children from their mothers at the border, Mini-Me EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt . . . the demand from investors and customers for social responsibility among corporations is rising.

Porter Novelli released their 2018 study which reinforces Edelman’s Trust Barometer’s report — customers and investors expect companies to deal with social issues. Last month, we talked about BlackRock’s Larry Fink’s letter to public company CEOs noting they must contribute to society or risk losing the support of the world’s largest private investor. The Porter Novelli study notes that businesses are changing what they stand for and how they operate. They are being called to identify a purpose which transcends mission and values, which defines the organization’s value to society.

In this month’s issue of Culturati: Magazine we’ve released a new clip of the Patagonia keynote at this year’s Summit. Patagonia’s Dean Carter talks about corporate citizenship. Love his question — what would you do differently if you knew your company would be around another 100 years? Since Patagonia is in the business of outfitting sportsmen and explorers, of course they take environmental stewardship and sustainability seriously. It isn’t only good for the planet, it’s critical for their long term business interests. What would be yours? What has to be true in 100 years if your company is to survive, even thrive?

By now you already have your copy of The Culture Book, Vol I: How Culture Clicks. If not, order it here today (use code Eugene-CB-15 for a 15% discount). Contributor Larry Reyes, aka Sugar Bear to those who worked with him at Rackspace, has authored a piece on the informal leaders at our companies and how influential they are to all our efforts. First, can I just tell you how elusive Sugar Bear was for years. I kept hearing from everyone at Rackspace that the keeper of the culture code, he who deciphered Graham Weston’s and Lanham Napier’s culture visions into action, was some dude named Sugar Bear. Well, Josh Jones Dilworth and I were meeting with a guy we’d never met named Larry Reyes one morning, when he mentioned his nickname at Rackspace was Sugar Bear. Geez, not only was I embarrassed I didn’t know this; I was embarrassed he’d written a piece for the book and I hadn’t connected the dots. His generosity and humility support the moniker. And, the point . . . informal leaders deserve our attention.

Not another straight white guy, please. Hmm. I was called by the board chairman after our executive committee meeting who asked if I could tone it down, that several members felt excluded by my language. I was overcompensating, trying to make a point about recruitment of new board members. (I don’t always embarrass myself, the last two examples not withstanding).

Stanford Law School/Rice University grad and Culturati National Advisory Board member Kelli Newman agreed to be interviewed for this month’s issue. Kelli’s now the Head of Diversity & Inclusion at FabFitFun. I learned a lot interviewing Kelli, not the least how the phrase diversity leaves some wondering if there will be a place for them. Kelli argues we might get further by stressing inclusion. And, she suggests emphasizing belonging — Inclusion and Belonging. I might have better made my point in the executive committee session this way.

I asked my Culturati co-founder, Josh Jones Dilworth (one of my favorite people in the world by the way. I’ve realized I now learn the most from people younger than me) what I should say about where we are with Culturati. Aside from the expansion of the platform and the reach of our (your) content we discussed last month, Josh said to tell you to get your thinking hats on. Programming is kicking off later this month, and he’ll be asking for submissions soon. We’re also exploring an EU version of The Culture Book, Vol I, so we’re looking for European company & leader recommendations.

Ah, perhaps a reason to return to Europe during the summer heat wave. Or, if you’re looking for me, I may move meetings to my shade-covered pool. Come join me.

one of four tables at the May 16 Culturati dinner — (l to r) Allyson Zarowny (Equinor), John Adcock (RetailMeNot), Mini Kahloon (Dell Medical School), Rachel Feferman (Culturati Steering Comm), Adam Lyons (The Zebra), Cassandra Carr (the Spurs), Dr. Ethan Burris (McCombs School), Pres. Colette Pierce Burnette (Huston Tillotson)

Many Culturati sponsors did on May 16 — well not for a swim but for dinner. Steven and I hosted about 40 sponsors and early Culturati supporters for a dinner at our home. Josh, Autumn Rich, Steven and I hosted conversations — under Lady Bird table rules - on culture and the next stage of Culturati. We’re relaunching another round of Culturati dinners for members who renew and early bird register for the 2019 Summit by the end of June. If you’ve attended a prior Summit, I hope you’ll early register and join us at one of 5 summer/fall CEO dinners. You can still join me in the shaded pool.

June 7, 2018


P.S. huge shout out to Bazaarvoice, Capital Factory, DLA Piper, Hagerty Classic Car Insurance, JDI, Notley Ventures, John Robinson & Sharon Schweitzer, and Texas Capital Bank for already signing on as 2019 sponsors.

Eugene Sepulveda is the co-founder of Culturati as well as the CEO of the Entrepreneurs Foundation, a director & partner in Capital Factory, and a senior advisor & treasurer for Austin Mayor Steve Adler. Eugene’s played at the intersection of business, politics and community in Austin and nationally for nearly 30 years — as Austin’s first tech banker, the CFO for a semiconductor startup, teaching at The University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, as a co-chair of President Obama’s LGBTQ leadership council, and as President & CEO of Marfa Public Radio. He can be reached at



Culturati Team
Culturati: Magazine

Culturati is a community of CEOs, entrepreneurs, investors and other c-suite leaders who practice & study culture building and share our play books.